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  1. Waytoomanytoys

    medusa day 42 of flower and just now showing...?

    Thank you. Looking forward to seeing it near completion.
  2. Waytoomanytoys

    medusa day 42 of flower and just now showing...?

    I wanted to experiment and change it up my routine a bit to keep up the learning process. Ive grown nirvanas northern lights a couple times now with great success. With that being said, ive changed my lighting over to a 400w fixture instead of cfls and also changed my medium from coco to a...
  3. Waytoomanytoys

    upgrading light from cfls and having questions

    thanks for the information. im looking for good quality stuff so i may try this theory out. id be interested to see the results in person.
  4. Waytoomanytoys

    upgrading light from cfls and having questions

    yes sir one lady. It was a fem nirvana n.l. I was super happy with the results! even with a few problems along the way i feel like i nailed it for the first attemt lol
  5. Waytoomanytoys

    upgrading light from cfls and having questions

    SHORT STORY: What are some of the differences between MH and HPS, Are certain situations better for one or the other? what wattage what I need in a very small closet (3x3) to consider it an upgrade? Should I be worried about heat issues? (Running a 740cfm fan) LONG STORY: I am trying To...
  6. Waytoomanytoys

    Think i've got cloudy, but having trouble with magnifying. YOUR OPINIONS PLEASE

    Up for advice on whether to chop or wait a week
  7. Waytoomanytoys

    Think i've got cloudy, but having trouble with magnifying. YOUR OPINIONS PLEASE

    Think I should go water only for a week then chop?
  8. Waytoomanytoys

    Think i've got cloudy, but having trouble with magnifying. YOUR OPINIONS PLEASE

    M calyx's look like theyre dying its day 52 of flower cheap loupe i bought isn't worth much lol nirvana northern lights coco cfls
  9. Waytoomanytoys

    Want to Know If Your Plants are Finished?

    i can probably just run to the store and buy a magnifying glass or something. I ordered a 40x loupe 2 weeks ago, but didnt pay enough attn to see it was coming from china lol It may not even be worth having when it gets here anyway...
  10. Waytoomanytoys

    Want to Know If Your Plants are Finished?

    Im guessing 2 more weeks on the first grow. my magnifier hasnt showed up in the mail yet and i dont want to miss the window... Its northern lights looking for your opinions on time frame please.
  11. Waytoomanytoys

    fan leaves drooping, and slight discoloration

    Yeah not the smartest move I've made through the first grow... I definitely consider myself lucky.
  12. Waytoomanytoys

    fan leaves drooping, and slight discoloration

    Here's the latest pictures. There are Still leaves dying off every day
  13. Waytoomanytoys

    fan leaves drooping, and slight discoloration

    Buds are fattening up nicely but still dropping leaves. Ill get more photos tonight.
  14. Waytoomanytoys

    fan leaves drooping, and slight discoloration

    Not spraying with anything. Haven't really changed anything but the fan and messing with the roots like a dumbass...
  15. Waytoomanytoys

    fan leaves drooping, and slight discoloration

    Awesome. I appreciate all advice and opinions. When you say "wash" you mean flush the soil with plain ph'd water correct? When I do this I just run a couple gallons of water through the soil and right out the bottom. Is this the correct way to be doing this? Should I feed immediately afterward...
  16. Waytoomanytoys

    fan leaves drooping, and slight discoloration

    This all started after installing a 6" fan in the ceiling and I ran the duct through the roof vent to help keep the smell out of the house.I believe the fan was 470cfm. Also have a box fan blowing air on her
  17. Waytoomanytoys

    fan leaves drooping, and slight discoloration

    OK let me try and answer these questions the best i can... I use tap water that i let sit out for about a week (with) general hydro calimagic at 1 tsp per gallon Nutes are fox farms trio at the recommended amounts for the week that i am in. I Dont have a ppm tester but i water at a ph of 6.4...
  18. Waytoomanytoys

    fan leaves drooping, and slight discoloration

    Getting worse as of day 2. added pictures but cant update original post. NOTICE DIFFERENCE IN COLOR OF FAN LEAVES COMPARED TO LEAVE AT THE BUD PICTURES 7 AND 9 SHOW THIS BEST. After these pictures were taken I watered her to see if it will help.
  19. Waytoomanytoys

    fan leaves drooping, and slight discoloration

    Been a couple days. She hasn't changed for the better or worse as far as I can tell.