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  1. G

    How do you go about Cloning Rose Bushes??

    I successfully cloned roses using light warrior seed starter compound in small pots. Do the 45deg cut like mentioned earlier, strip off thorns and such, I also use a razor and slice some outer layer of stalk off if it is fiberous. I then place in a deep plastic container cover with plastic...
  2. G

    A Little View Of My Garden

    your eggplants look great, I tried them for the first time this year, but all the rain flooded area of garden they were in and wiped them out... try again next year
  3. G

    A Little View Of My Garden

    Keep plenty of water on those giant pumpkins, when they get big and you are going for a record I have read that they can suck up to 50gallons of water per day!
  4. G

    Tomato Leafs Spliting (pic)

    I agree, tomatos can grow funny ugly gnarly branches and leaves and be perfectly healthy.... same can be said for some of their fruit... not much to look at, but fabulous on a sandwich!
  5. G

    plz help (pics)

    a reflector would help get the maximum light from the gro bulb to the plants
  6. G

    Had to move plant outdoors from indoors, some questions.

    I always start outdoor plants inside then move them out. As with any plant you should condition the plant by taking it out everyday and placing in a spot that does get direct sunlight for a week then move her to a good site with some sunshine and plant in the ground, I dig a hole twice the size...
  7. G

    Are these big enough?

    I have only had problems with vermin eating plants that were under 6 inches... rabbits destroy mine until they are over 6 inches, have deer, but no problems with deer so far,,,, horny or otherwise!
  8. G

    smoking weed with your plants?

    I had a buddy who swore by it... of course I think he lived in his tiny grow room, had a tv and playstation in there... LOL I dont smoke cigarettes, so that was never an issue, but I never smoke or do much in the grow room accept tend to my babies... Oh, btw, my crops were always way better...
  9. G

    Hydro Nutes Technaflora

    Long time soil "dirt farmer" fairly new to hydro... Anyway, I have been using technaflora ... I got the kit and have been following the recipe for success however I cut the dosage in half on the recommendation of buddy who owns local grow shop. Any input on technaflora or advice on better...
  10. G

    found this plant out side

    Try again... one good lesson I learned from the first attempts is that plants of any kind need care, but don't overlove them! Leave them be to do their thing and they will do best! I know its hard at first, but the busier I stay working or doing other projects and the less time I stay in the...
  11. G

    found this plant out side

    Although, I had a surprise plant grow up in the weeds alongside my driveway... only thing I can figure is that when I pressure washed my garage one of some floor seeds must have washed out and sprouted.... I transplanted it with my other garden goodies.. but am positive it has to be a shwag...
  12. G

    found this plant out side

    That is not a plant... it is a weed and not a good weed! I pull those in my garden all the time
  13. G

    Whats the deal with those T5 lights?

    T5's arent designed for anything but veg are they? Anyone used them to flower? I know I read in National Garden Wholesale catalog it has a banner saying propagation and below it another saying full term lighting but my buddy who runs a LGS only talks about them like any other flourescent for veg.
  14. G

    Outdoor growing and temperature plant stops growing

    Its been 90's where I live and plants are doing well... However it cools down at night and my babies are nestled between the tomato plants and corn is behind them... maybe that helps, plus I run sprinkler in mornings of known hot days seems to slow growth during hot summer months, but seem to...
  15. G

    T5 Lighting

    Sorry nobody has been helpful! T5 being a small flourescent uses very little in the electrical department. Personally I have T5 lights, however they are on a saltwater reef tank growing coral... really they are. They work awesome I have 12 4 foot 54 watt T5's over a 125 gallon aquarium...
  16. G

    Saving Fan Leaves?

    A batch of trash hash can get you by when times are tight.... But I agree with mulching!
  17. G

    Newbie questions

    When I have forced "out of Hand tall plants" to bud early you have to be consistent everyday but placing a large heavy duty garbage bag... black of course over plant at the appropriate time every nite and use a light bungee to seal the base to prevent light from entering. Another thing to...
  18. G

    Welcome New Members!

    Long time connoisseur and grower, first time to this great site! Looking forward to checking this site out more!