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  1. S

    It's a girl

    just seen first signs that my plant is a female . you cant tell me that you dont love that feeling.
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    weird gnat-like bugs crawling in dirt and lying on plant.

    k. i got two fly traps and some potatoes. the traps have already started to kill alot of gnats. thanx for the advice.
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    weird gnat-like bugs crawling in dirt and lying on plant.

    a mix between outdoor soil, perlite, and potting soil.
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    I'm done buyin.ready to grow it

    yes good luck, and just have fun dont let it stress you out. an unhappy unfocused grower leads to an unhappy plant.
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    weird gnat-like bugs crawling in dirt and lying on plant.

    thank you, i usually only let about an inch of my soil dry before watering with a spray bottle.
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    weird gnat-like bugs crawling in dirt and lying on plant.

    i have these strange gnats in my grow room. they are new, but i did notice little worms crawling around in dirt once they dissapeared these gnats came.
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    I'm done buyin.ready to grow it

    before growing research everything, talk to local growers who you are friends with. buy books such as "closet cultivator", just keep researching well into your first grow. you will have so much fun, each time you find a new leaf you will get so excited that you have created something beautiful...
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    first time growers in ohio

    no i live in a small farm town, we dont even have a store. but everyone in town is either a botanist or a farmer. so ask for botanical help while growing in woods or on farmland.
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    first time growers in ohio

    around me it is, all there is around me is just farmland.
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    Northern Ohio Growers Unite!!!

    yo, i live in north west ohio. i believe in your cause, im a newbie who needs as much help as he can get.
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    first time growers in ohio

    hey im in ohio. just wondering who else is a newbie grower in this boring ass state.