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  1. N

    why is my plant burning so easily

    They're all such tiny imperfections, why worry about it?
  2. N

    First grow, ultra micro!!!

    Remember with cfl's you need them to be 2-3 inches from the plant for maximum growth, if they're too far away they aren't powerful enough to be sufficient.
  3. N

    Calling all kiwis...

    Yea mate, im also from NZ, and i had 6 outdoors last season starting early December they turned out fine.
  4. N

    Mutant seedling, no new growth.

    This bagseed sprouted around 3 days ago and it appears to have only 1 cotyledon , and the first true spiky leave is rounded in shape and i can't see any new growth coming from the stem. Thoughts?
  5. N

    AK-48 Harvest (SMALL BUDS?!)

    too many white hairs, giver her at least another 3 weeks .
  6. N

    Buds are turning BROWN!

    I had experience with some buds i had turning brown, still able to be smoked just didn't taste / smell as good.
  7. N

    Best reflector setup for my CFL... setup

    Easy way to make a home-made reflector is just to use a rectangular oven dish, the ones used when cooking whole chickens.