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  1. M

    What a load of bollocks! (pun intended;-))

    On the BBC today... Excuse me if I don't believe it, why is it only the US,Canada and Europe? If it's true then maybe it's caused by weed not being flushed properly of chemical nutrients, but it's definitely not the weed! Good excuse to have your...
  2. M

    Cannabis health risk 'not rising'

    Just saw this on the BBC and thought it made a nice change from the usual bull... :peace:
  3. M

    Coming Soon For The UK Daily Meter Readings

    This is in the UK, I don't know when everyone else needs to worry: I'd say it's a safe bet that power usage data will be recorded in real time and uploaded daily, hence the need to retro fit so quickly.:evil:
  4. M

    DEA obstructing medical research

    Looks like they have something to hide...
  5. M

    Uk E-petition VOTE NOW

    I keep seeing how well our friends across the pond are doing advancing the legalisation of Cannabis and can only look on in envy.:-( It's time for UK stoners to put down their bongs for five minutes and go to: The number of votes that Cannabis...
  6. M

    Some Useful Info

    Scanned these and thought they might be of use to some...
  7. M

    New Natural Pest Control

  8. M

    New Natural Pest Control

    Dip your seeds in Jasmonic acid to increase the plants natural defence against pests, follow the link for more info...BBC NEWS | Science & Environment | Success for plants' pest control Would be nice if the seed banks did it for us but I can't see it somehow, now where the hell can I buy...