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  1. Kizka

    Too Rolling Stoned Coffee Shop

    Thank you for the kind words my friends. It is not an experience I want to repeat. Gave myself a few new grey hairs getting it done. Have to wait a few hours for lights on to make sure everything is working and then I can survey the damage. Just wondering what to do now that the net is gone...
  2. Kizka

    Too Rolling Stoned Coffee Shop

    So the water heater broke, and I had to call the landlord. Guess where my tent is at...yeah right next to it. Had to cut the scrog net down to get everything moved before the maintenance guy got here. Bonus is I now know about thermocouple replacement in a closed system. Blargh! Sorry for the...
  3. Kizka

    Has anyone used Black Gold soils?

    I have used the organic all purpose mixed 50/50 with fox farms ocean forest and 20% perlite added. It retains water well when given a thorough drink. I don't see a problem with black gold by itself as long as you add perlite, as it does seem to compact quite a bit. Hope that helps. Happy growing!
  4. Kizka

    Too Rolling Stoned Coffee Shop

    Dark roast with sugar free Irish cream syrup. Maybe I'll get motivated now. lMLnDuzgkjo
  5. Kizka

    Too Rolling Stoned Coffee Shop

    Bullet proof coffee and another rainy morning. Hope it clears up soon, the natives are growing restless. jR4zzVxnDLQ
  6. Kizka

    Too Rolling Stoned Coffee Shop

    D0ixo5K2aTk Chai tea on a rainy day. Not too shabby.
  7. Kizka


    Welcome and have a great day.
  8. Kizka

    baby teething

    Do not under any circumstances give canna butter to an infant for teething. It is not a medical issue you are trying to help, it is an inconvenience to you issue. Teething sucks I will admit, but use frozen wash cloths or teethers. It will pass. That's all I'm going to say, because I don't feel...
  9. Kizka

    Stoner Girl Here!!!

    Good luck with your first grow. It is a very rewarding hobby to get into.
  10. Kizka

    Fox farms trio

    Start with a 1/8 to 1/4 dilution and see how they do. If they do well you can increase the dilution by 1/4 weekly as they grow until you get to full strength. Happy growing!
  11. Kizka

    Sour kosher DNA promotion log / post yours!

    I ordered mine on 8-2 got delivered on 8-12. Should have gone with the mug...the tshirt will probably never get worn.
  12. Kizka

    Too Rolling Stoned Coffee Shop

    Good morning all. My name is Kiz and I thought I'd stop lurking and introduce myself. I enjoy the chill atmosphere of your shop and plan on stopping by more often. Have beautiful day! bqc1I9oSGiE
  13. Kizka

    Need HELP choosing a grow tent...

    I have a 4x4x7 I use with my 600w. It is a Lighthouse that I got on amazon awhile ago for less than $150. The thickness of material is decent and the only light leaks I have are at the zipper, and they are minimal. IMO it's pretty damn good for the price.
  14. Kizka

    rooting gel or powder?

    They work the same. It is just a matter of personal preference. Hope this helps. Happy cloning!
  15. Kizka

    Fox Farm Products

    I use Fox Farms and am pretty happy with the results. The one thing I will mention is it doesn't have enough N in it for my heavier feeders. To offset this I add Natures Nectar N 5-0-0. It is a good brand in general and I would recommend you try it.
  16. Kizka

    Craziest Things You've Found In Weed.

    Small black bits that resembled charcoal. It made up at least half the weight of the bag. That is why I refuse to smoke brick.
  17. Kizka

    New to the Joint

    Once you are bitten by the growing bug there is no cure! Have a beautiful day.
  18. Kizka

    Welcome New Members!

    I finally got around to registering. Have used rollitup for many moons, and am happy to now be a member of this community. Looking forward to learning and evolving. Have a great one!