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  1. Blazin333

    Can i still bend a 1.5 months old plant?

    can you tell me exactly what super croppin is please?
  2. Blazin333

    Is this overwatering?

    Whats clawing? I usually don't water that often when ever the first couples inches gets dry....
  3. Blazin333

    Can i still bend a 1.5 months old plant?

    My plants are about 1.5 - 2 months old..... i just read about the LST method if im not wrong its bending the plants to make it grow bushy..... is it possible to do it if the stem is already pretty hard?
  4. Blazin333

    Is this overwatering?

    My leaves are curling up... is this from over watering or is the leave not gettin enough light...... This is my first time growing outdoor..... can any one give me some advice please..... and how old does a plant have to be before it flowers..... can it take longer than 5 months [outdoor]?
  5. Blazin333

    First grow.... Advice plz! [Pictures]

    Hey this is my first time growing [outdoor]..... Some of my leaves are curling up [1st pic] can anyone please tell me whats wrong with em'... i just thought that that the leaves is not getting enough sunlight.... but im not sure... the biggest plant is about 4 months old.... when is it gonna...
  6. Blazin333

    What exactly is flushing?

    my plant is about 3-4 months old and still in it's vegatative stage and the bottom sets of leaves are curling down inward [seem like the leaves are rollin inward] so i posted a question and then someone said that i need to flush my plants...... is this person trippin or is he right? to me it...
  7. Blazin333

    Leaves are curling down inward/ whats wrong with my plants?

    my plant is about 3-4 months old and still in it's vegatative stage and the bottom sets of leaves are curling down inward [seem like the leaves are rollin inward] so i posted a question and then someone said that i need to flush my plants...... is this person trippin or is he right? to me it...
  8. Blazin333

    Growin Asia.... Need info please....

    Im growin around the equator... and it seems my outdoors plants are takin so long to flower [3-4 months]....... most site that give information about outdoor grow is usually talkin about growing in UK or USA [lighting 12/12 and etc..will prob be different] will the lighting around the equator...
  9. Blazin333

    What exactly is flushing?

    my plant is about 3-4 months old and still in it's vegatative stage and the bottom sets of leaves are curling down inward [seem like the leaves are rollin inward] so i posted a question and then someone said that i need to flush my plants...... is this person trippin or is he right? to me it...
  10. Blazin333

    Growin Question... Help Plz!!!

    They're about 3-4 feet
  11. Blazin333

    Growin Question... Help Plz!!!

    Im in asia and currently growin outdoor so far all my plants looks great... and never really came across any problems..... the only problems is that the couple bottom set of leaves curls down inward and seems dry but still perfectly green.... is it because its not gettin enough sunlight or what...
  12. Blazin333

    What exactly is flushing?

    Is flushing when you water your plants and let a lot of water come out of the bottom?
  13. Blazin333

    Anyone from thailand

    Yo Knoty..... Im growin in thailand too.... are you havin problems with gettin the plants to flower? mine is like 3-4 months old and isn't even startin it's flowerin period but im growin outside... got ne advice man?
  14. Blazin333

    Grow'in Thailand [Need Advices]PLZ!

    Im growin on the deck of my apartment no one can spot it for sure and its only a couples plant.... and the cops over here are so corupt you can pay em off...... so can i get some advices please
  15. Blazin333

    Grow'in Thailand [Need Advices]PLZ!

    Pretty much..... i can't grow indoor/hydroponics at all i only got a deck that can grow up to 15 plants... outdoor so i can pretty much only deal with dirt
  16. Blazin333

    Grow'in Thailand [Need Advices]PLZ!

    Yea man the weed over here is fuckin shitty as fuck... thats why im growin.... i tried hydroponic but i don't got enough space at my apartment to do it.....
  17. Blazin333

    Grow'in Thailand [Need Advices]PLZ!

    Im currently trying to grow some weed in thailand... and the problems i came across is that they don't really have a HD or anywhere i can buy good supplies of fertilizer or dirt...... they only have normal dirt that don't really have anything special and the fertilizer that they sell don't even...
  18. Blazin333

    Growin Thailand..... Need Answers.. Plz??

    All i know is that it is sativa... I didn't get the seeds from a seed bank just got them from the bags of weed that i got... so i don't think its any special kind of strain... the weed over here is horrible but i think its because they cure/dry it very wrong and compress it into a brick...
  19. Blazin333

    Growin Thailand..... Need Answers.. Plz??

    Since my plants are out door if i moved it inside and give it 12 hours lights will that mess up my plants in ne ways..... as in temperature and such.... and how many days do i need to keep it in 12 hr for? and after it starts to flower can i bring it back out again or do i have to keep it in 12...
  20. Blazin333

    Growin Thailand..... Need Answers.. Plz??

    Im a stoner who used to lived in USA but then move to Thailand... Thai weed is so shitty that it not even worth smoking.... so i started growin my own outdoor.... Its been about 3-4 months and my plants is not showin any sign of sex at all...... is it because the lighting outside is different...