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  1. maxpunk230

    first grow, all help welcome

    nice plants... :)
  2. maxpunk230

    i wonder this woman

    i wonder this woman
  3. maxpunk230

    Welcome New Members!

    hey guys i have a plants is in flowering phase outdoor how often must i use flowering fertz!!
  4. maxpunk230

    Pure sativa from mauritius

    hey am from mauritius....if you have any questions contact me........peace !!
  5. maxpunk230

    aurora indica indoor grow

    i used a 400 mh for vegging,used mixed soil wwith perlite and coconut husk:peace:............/ i have also an outdoor one ....which is the much longer one.
  6. maxpunk230

    Welcome New Members!

    here my clost grow growing a muritian sativa ...........till now still growing chemicals used .........
  7. maxpunk230

    Welcome New Members!

    really nice grow man!!
  8. maxpunk230

    Welcome New Members!

    i took pictures of my aurora indica from the day it sprouted till it good ............its outdoor guys!!! am from mauritius island ........its 100% tropical here!!
  9. maxpunk230

    Welcome New Members!

    how to start a thread!
  10. maxpunk230

    Welcome New Members!

    hey there am new .....i juste planted my aurora indica out door letting it enjor the tropical sunlight of mauritius island .....then later i'll be putting it indoor!!