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  1. ginganuts

    The UK Growers Thread!

    Off shoppin, bleach your arse :finger:
  2. ginganuts

    The UK Growers Thread!

    Fuck me riley u guys never heard of sarcasm, cant even wind u up,u a bunch of fukin noobs or what, or got your touunges so far up each others arses you cant see see daylight. Fuck me you say grow a thick skin, but change my attitude? so you can give it but not take it fuck me what a set of...
  3. ginganuts

    The UK Growers Thread!

    All this because someone assumed i was piised off. I repeat assumed. Forums try to ask a little advice and twats wana be billy big bollocks behind their keyboards, id knock your fukin teeth down your throat and straight out your arse hole son, telling me to fuck off cunts lmao
  4. ginganuts

    The UK Growers Thread!

    Not pissed off whatsoever guys, its yorkshirman looking to be a twat at every opportunity. instead of being constructive, hes just being critical. I was just explaining in my last post im a newb at growing, but a BA Honours graduate nevertheless. Ive allready given several plus reps out and got...
  5. ginganuts

    Indoor soil grow....

    Fukin thrips
  6. ginganuts

    The UK Growers Thread!

    Just as a point here, i am only on my second grow. Try to remember when you were here, theres enough to take in as it is. Talking to people like they know what you know when they know fuck all if you know what i mean :wall:. H202, brewing fukin tees, bennies wtf isnt that a hat? Its enough to...
  7. ginganuts

    The UK Growers Thread!

    Potatoes ey, well fuck me thanks for that wasnt hard was it, you southern cunts are all the same lol:finger:
  8. ginganuts

    The UK Growers Thread!

    Appreciate everyone taking the time to be so helpful, will give some plus reps guys. Will go with the pest off spray first then h202 as last resort. Thanks g&t will await them pics..and in the meantime :finger::lol:
  9. ginganuts

    The UK Growers Thread!

    OK theres no need to be a fukin ponce about it lol peace bro
  10. ginganuts

    The UK Growers Thread!

    Im gunna find some willing dumb blonde and dunk her head into my soil, dont they dye there hair with that shit lmfao.. ive really lost the fukin plot now.
  11. ginganuts

    The UK Growers Thread!

    Thanks mrt, appreciated. The hypoaspis mites seem best, but not sure how they will react to cannabis plants. Im a little sceptical about introducing 10,000 mites into my garden arghhhhhhhhhhh... my heads gunna fukin explode.
  12. ginganuts

    The UK Growers Thread!

    Isnt that to kill the shit and piss people do in swimming pools?:roll:
  13. ginganuts

    The UK Growers Thread!

    As a last resort i will use H202 Id appreciate you taking pics of ratios mate and and where and what kind of h202 i should use, really greatful. Im gunna try this pest off with pyrethrum, (3 different similar sounding chemicals) this is the one from plant extracts which is a natural insecticide...
  14. ginganuts

    The UK Growers Thread!

    I aint putting bleach in my soil in any form sorry mate, but gotta be a more natural organic way.
  15. ginganuts

    The UK Growers Thread!

    And im supposed to put this in my soil? I appreciate the heads up but a little bit more info would really be appreciated like what the fuk am i supposed to do with it, spray it, dilute it at what ratio? what concentration? and wont this damage my beneficial microbes in the soil i mean its used...
  16. ginganuts

    The UK Growers Thread!

    Hey guys any idea how to get rid of thrips? I hear them talking about spinosad but this aint available in the UK. I have some gnat off from a previous infestation of fungas gnats but it didnt work against them so i dont see why it would work against thrips. Im only in my second week of...
  17. ginganuts

    Guide to Nutrient Deficiency or Toxicity

    With the incandescent light on it shouldnt be, unless your colour blind ;-)
  18. ginganuts

    Guide to Nutrient Deficiency or Toxicity

    I read in this thread that taking pics with the incandescent light on my camera would be ok as its a worse picture with lights off, have tried and pictures shit. They are slight scattered light green spots, how greatly will the lights off help you diagnose this problem, you either know or you dont.
  19. ginganuts

    Guide to Nutrient Deficiency or Toxicity

    On one plant out of 17, i dont think its bugs or they would all be infested. ive had sticky strips in my tent from the start and keep a clean, sealed enviroment, not seen any bugs or flys. Ive lowered the ph of my tap water, given them a good dose of flores. Ordered some cal mag and alfalfa meal.