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  1. S

    Fiber Optics?

    Initially, it sounds like a really good idea. But the more I thought about it the more it seems like it might be a hassle and not worth how much it would cost. To start with, fiber optic cables are expensive. It takes time and specific machinery to make it, and then they have to test it to make...
  2. S

    Very Low Height DWC

    I've seen similar set ups with sizes varying from 2-5 gallons. I would think that as long as you watch the root growth you should be fine. What size net pots are you using? and how many air stones? I would think the best thing to do would be like what maltese is saying, just make sure you get a...
  3. S

    DWC and air flow, An experiment in process!

    looks like a pretty tight set up man. i just have a couple of questions on your set up though, how strongs the fan blowing into the reservoir? how big are your containers? and how much does your reservoir hold? I've been looking at a similar small container but am still kind of unsure about...
  4. S

    Stealth Grow Opinions/Advice

    Looks good man, but a few things: first *they* say that foil has the potential to create heat spots. Personally I don't care about that as much as the fact as foil, while reflective can easily crinkle/not lay flat and then disperse the light in random directions. I've seen people use foil or...
  5. S

    My First Serious Grow and Simple CFL Setup

    there are several different programs, pretty much every OS has a program that will encrypt the drive of the computer. I'm assuming you're just posting screenshots of your computer screen correct? I think dark4's just trying to say its best to protect your personal stuff from outside eyes... any...
  6. S

    Cannabis Capsules – A step-by-step guide

    Its a nice thread/guide, but its just a copy from cannabis (dot) com's forum. Even the whole part about looking at a leaf under a jeweler's microscope was copied over. Flameon and weedhound posted guides at the very least a year before this :sleep: It does work well though, I'd recommend you...
  7. S

    *How To Make THC DROPS.

    I'm currently working on a smaller scale version using glycerine and finely ground weed powder. I'm only using about a half cup to a half oz of ganja, but today marks the two week spot. My friend and I have been boiling water and letting it sit in that, as well as shaking it a shit ton and what...
  8. S

    *How To Make THC DROPS.

    how did the alcohol + weed in the mayo jar work out? Did you apply this same water bath method or what?