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  1. S

    Calling All Racists..... a new vacation destination

    Why's it have to be a chicken sandwich?? Racist!!! haha:)
  2. S

    One more Obama outrage for the day

    That's the plan man!!!
  3. S

    Climate Change.... survey, just a reason to raise your taxes?

    Again I'm not denying climate change. "I'm sure we're causing some type of damage". But people will take advantage of the pot of gold we're forced to give them as a climate change solution. It would be naive to think otherwise.
  4. S

    One more Obama outrage for the day

    I agree with you man. I know they use us all the time.
  5. S

    Calling All Racists..... a new vacation destination

    I wana agree with you somewhat but you act like the game isn't played both ways. Obama is just an innocent guy trying to help the country. PSHHH..... But look what i hate about republicans is they think one of there guys is the answer. It's complete bullshit both ways. They're both insane. They...
  6. S

    Climate Change.... survey, just a reason to raise your taxes?

    I was pretty sure you were a bigot. Thanks for clearing it up.
  7. S

    Calling All Racists..... a new vacation destination

    No of course Bucks right and he wanted him out simply because he is black.
  8. S

    One more Obama outrage for the day

    I agree with that. They would use any loophole they can to screw you over. But we should try to keep guns away from those who we know are violent. Obviously violent is a broad term... You know what i mean tho
  9. S

    Calling All Racists..... a new vacation destination

    Completely out of context. A quote about a guys top priority being to avoid re-electing a president he dislikes. And he's racist
  10. S

    Calling All Racists..... a new vacation destination

    Do you seriously believe he didn't want him re-elected because he's black? Come on man get real
  11. S

    One more Obama outrage for the day

    Ok then take guns away from people who commit crimes like domestic violence or a crime that proves you're a nut
  12. S

    Calling All Racists..... a new vacation destination

    It's like saying everyone against a 2nd bush term was racist. They just strongly disagree with what he thinks is gonna be better for the nation. The number one priority would be avoiding a 2nd bush term (probably electing a democrat in the process) in hopes of not going to another pointless war...
  13. S

    One more Obama outrage for the day

    Arm law abiding citizens so they can defend themselves (if they choose). And avoid classified operations that purposely give guns to criminal organizations. We should go even further and just end the war on drugs! Immigration wouldn't even be an issue if these people could provide for themselves...
  14. S

    Climate Change.... survey, just a reason to raise your taxes?

    I'm not convinced either way. I'm sure we're causing some type of damage but to what extent I'm not sure. I do believe 100% it has and will continue to be used as an excuse to get money and take land from the people. I wana take the necessary precautions to preserve the earth for future...
  15. S

    Deficiency, nute burn, or neem burn?

    Idk i heard it doesn't have much NPK but more carbs/sugars in it. I have bat guano high in P. Think i should top dress some in next feeding?
  16. S

    Calling All Racists..... a new vacation destination

    And sadly they were unsuccessful:( But what's wrong with making it a priority to avoid re-electing a president you dislike?? All we ever elect is CLOWNS whether it be democrat or republican.. and sorry dude but that includes Obama!
  17. S

    Calling All Racists..... a new vacation destination

    i'm not going to apologize for doing something, while the others do nothing. ~barack hussein obama LOL SOMEONE SERIOUSLY QUOTED THIS!!!
  18. S

    Deficiency, nute burn, or neem burn?

    How long after applying the neem oil should I spray off the residue? Yeah thanks I'm not worried about her to much I just hope she stays green. Any suggestion on what i should give it next feeding? I gave it water with a little molasses last time and before that some castings and little bit of...
  19. S

    illegal immigration is destroying america!

    HAHAHA can you imagine if we didn't have immigration laws? To many people from multiple countries would want to come over!! Mexico and Central America aside you already have plenty of Asian/middle eastern people paying cartels to smuggle them over here.. Those numbers would only skyrocket if...