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  1. S

    yeild and time frame + rep

    Too many variables around your grow environment for a good guestimate. i grow sativa dominant indoors. I plan on 15 to 16 weeks of 12/12 to harvest. Depends on what you're looking for. I prefer very potent, stony smoke, so I mature much longer that typical commercial growers. Just harvested...
  2. S

    Mycorrhizal fungi applications for cannabis - the caveats

    Thank you Uncle Ben. I can't add any meaningful feedback right now, but I wanted to acknowledge your scientific approach. Most of the comments on the web come from folks who have no clue of how to go about objectively evaluating nutrients, supplements, and technique. I will be interested to...
  3. S

    increasing odds of female seeds

    Pretty complicated stuff. I've been experimenting with UV. This grow was the 1st to get very high amounts of UV right from the start of flowering. 80% females. I have my own breeding program and this is the 4th generation. 1st 3 gens were typical 50-60% female. Not sure if the UV is...
  4. S

    10.0 Uvb Light

    I use a 70W double ended metal halide in an open reflector with a 600W HPS. I only run 1 hour per light cycle. Amount of UV is too high to run more. Difference is huge. I'm still dialing in on the right amount. No question that UV make a big difference.
  5. S

    Multi device timers??

    Intermatic makes a power strip with built in digital timer. Just saw it the other day at the local grow shop. about $40 with 5 or 6 outlets controlled by the timer. I plugged a power strip into my digital timer - one timer six outlets.
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    10.0 Uvb Light

    I've gone a slightly different route. I'm using 2 double ended MH bulbs in a reflector with no glass. The bulbs are 70W 10,000 K. 2 bulbs in the reflector with 1 600 HPS. 6 1/2 weeks into flowering. I run the light cycle at night for better temp control and to minimize my exposure. i don't...
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    Quiet. The Neighbors Can Hear You (Sound Control Thread)

    Two things I've found that help a lot: speed control for the inline fans and insulated ducting on the outflow side. After determining how much air i needed to move, I put in an oversized inline fan. i then added speed control. Cutting RPM's on an oversized fan dramatically reduces noise while...
  8. S

    need help how to mate perfect plants

    I prefer to remove all male plants from the females just before the pods open and begin to drop pollen. i usually put them in the garage (some place with no wind). Don't worry about light, or lack of. once the pods start to open, just take a q-tip and gently tap the pod from below. Pollen...
  9. S

    Crossbreading question

    You're on the right track assuming both varieties are cannabis. The greater the genetic difference, the greater the variations in the kids. According to botanists, it takes about 5 generations for a cross to stabalize. The product of your effort is generation #1 of your new phenotype...
  10. S

    UV light on harvested Buds?

    Sounds interesting. The pathway and mechanism for THC creation happens within the trichome. The plant definitely needs to be alive and growing for the trichome to form and for the precursors to THC to form. However, once the precursors are there, we're not completely sure how the conversions...
  11. S

    UV Light to max THC

    Yes, blacklights do put out UV, just relatively low levels. I'm not sure of the spetrum of light they put out either - may be more in the UV-A range. I've seen comments from folks that have gone that route, but I'm looking for more intensity. SG.
  12. S

    UV Light to max THC

    Kludge is right - you have to be very careful. UVB can damage vision and cause cancer. I grow in an enclosed cabinet about 3X7. It is light tight. Right now I'm using a 250W MH to supplement the 600W HPS. I'm seeing better results than with the HPS alone. The MH is a mogul base so the...
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    UV Light to max THC

    What kind of bulbs are you using? Thanks for the reply.
  14. S

    Sativa Height control?

    I grow almost pure sativa and start flowering at around 6 inches. Final height winds up 4 to 5 feet. LST is only way to go. An advantage I found is the branches below the tip get better light and grow much fatter. I tie plastic nursery tape about 6 or so inches from the top and pull it down...
  15. S

    Metal halide lights... need help!!!

    Are you sure input power should be 120V and not 220V? If you under powered the ballast it might take a couple of days to die.
  16. S

    UV Light to max THC

    Does anyone have experience using UV light as a supplement along with HPS during flowering? The research seems to indicate a strong correlation between UV exposure and THC development. The question is how to provide the most economical source for the UV. This last grow I used a 250W MH (mogul...
  17. S

    UV Lighting

    Does anyone have experience using UV light as a supplement along with HPS during flowering? The research seems to indicate a strong correlation between UV exposure and THC development. The question is how to provide the most economical source for the UV. This last grow I used a 250W MH (mogul...
  18. S

    Fungas Gnats HELP!!!!!

    Use Neem oil. It's organic and non-toxic but will take care of the gnats. Mix about a half teaspoon along with a half teaspoon of liquid soap (as an emulsifier) in a quart of water. Spray directly on the soil. the gnats lay eggs in the soil. The neem interferes with their reproductice...
  19. S

    where is the best place to buy fans for inline ducting.

    Not sure where you are, but I've had great success with Craigslist. I bought most of my hardware for my cabinet upgrade from folks selling on craigslist. On average I paid 40-50% of buying new. Great for fans, reflectors, ballasts, etc. I wouldn't buy bulbs used though - too risky.
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    UV Light - Best way to provide

    Does anyone have experience using UV light as a supplement along with HPS during flowering? The research seems to indicate a strong correlation between UV exposure and THC development. The question is how to provide the most economical source for the UV. This last grow I used a 250W MH (mogul...