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  1. S

    What would you do? this is fucked up....

    Well, everything worked out for the best I think. The neighbor was spoken to kindly, gave everything back, and both understanding eachothers situation, decided to still be friends, and fortunately, no law enforcement was involved. I know a lot of you think this guy should have had the cops...
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    What would you do? this is fucked up....

    tonight = breakdown shop-tommorow= confront him-I'll let everyone know what happens-thanks for the tips and advice.... the legit ones anyways.
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    What would you do? this is fucked up....

    I think the plan is to move everything to a safe house, confront him, Obviously find a new house, (which as you know if you're a renter is hard to find a landlord you know will never comeover, and good land with privacy and all the shit we need) tell him he owes $$, and if he doesn't pay then...
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    What would you do? this is fucked up....

    oh fuck I was reading inside a quote, I meant cloudflyer, best advice my bad and thanks
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    What would you do? this is fucked up....

    thanks for the replies.... I think the best one was fdd2blk. Very wise and fatherly. That seems like the best idea. I feel like everything needs to be moved, and he should be confronted with the evidence, and the growers should deny to the end there was any plants, and all he took was $$$. I...
  6. S

    What would you do? this is fucked up....

    true sour is 400$ a z. do the math
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    What would you do? this is fucked up....

    I think I'll have to clear everything out first. Like I said. Theres really nothing I can say to gain the upper hand, and to him, maybe were a bunch of stoner punk kids, even though were all almost 30. That must be his reasoning. It sucks. Been renting houses for almost 10 years, and never...
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    What would you do? this is fucked up....

    no one told him shit, he put 2 and 2 together. He's and older guy, "works from home" mid 40s and has gotten headies from us, and comes over to puff all the time. He's admited to his past OD grows in a pathetic attempt to get us to tell him whats up probably.
  9. S

    What would you do? this is fucked up....

    Its inside, he has to have a key, came in through the front door, and out the bulkhead
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    What would you do? this is fucked up....

    (hypothetically) 3 people have an operation, semi small scale. Lets say they harvest about 2 lbs a month on a continuous cycle. Lets say this is rare, top dollar, high quality, sour d. Now a few weeks ago as this batch reaches maturity, one of the growers notices plants missing. They put...
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    That sucks.... but flashiness, i.e. real nice escalades draw that kind of attention. Whatever you do, don't ever shoot anyone unless your life is in danger,even with rubber bullets. And if your growing you probably shouldnt have guns around anyway, unless you want way more trouble.... way...
  12. S

    Pineapple Express...

    mmmm.... dirt mixed in with flowering plants, sounds like that tastes great- I'm guessing its fictional. Good movie though..... many ads for advanced nutrients.
  13. S

    True East Coast Sour Diesel

    Yea it definately is boring, I have about 3 that i switch it up with, ecsd being the best, but its hard to find other strains that are up to my standards, (i'm a fucking huge pot snob)
  14. S

    True East Coast Sour Diesel

    After smoking sour almost exclusively for about a year, everything else tastes like hay. What the fuck, I've ruined my palette. Does anyone know of any other strains that are just as flavorful/potent, but completely different? Supersilverhaze... nope tastes like hay. I guess I shouldn't have...
  15. S

    How many busted from this site?

    Yea, thats true, it is unhealthy. It was not my intention to "spread paranoia" I'm just trying to get info. I'm judging by the use of your phrase "hella," you are on the west coast, where laws are somewhat more lienient. Prison, however fucking blows, where ever you are. And I'd like not to...
  16. S

    How many busted from this site?

    loudblunt-Dude- I'm not thinking? Maybe I think too much. Maybe you don't think enough. It really isn't that far fetched. I wish I had your carefree attitude, I'd probably live longer. If you've been in the game long enough, or for any amount of time, you know that paranoia runs rampid...
  17. S

    How many busted from this site?

    Ok so after looking around for a little while I came across this and I copied and pasted from another site after googled detect: marijuana: satellite. So heres a little blurb from it. Why is it so hard to believe that satellites can pick up infared. I'm not saying the DEA has their own...
  18. S

    How many busted from this site?

    Don't be sorry to burst my bubble, It probably needs to be bursted, I admit that I'm paranoid. It comes with the territory/lifestyle, and gets worse over time watching friends and neighbors go down. However, where I live, 5-100 plants is the same charge. and its not fed time. I also have...
  19. S

    How many busted from this site?

    The DEA satelite info I got from watching some SWAT cops type show on spike or something like that. I know its not a completely legit reference, but it showed agents in Michigan in their office on their computers looking at all the glowing grow houses houses using a software that resembled...