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  1. rigid94

    First time grower: Blueberry Kush 2'x2' tent DWC LED/CFL

    Hoping to flush this weekend.. But we'll see what the plant has to say about that..
  2. rigid94

    First time grower: Blueberry Kush 2'x2' tent DWC LED/CFL

    So the plant is looking pretty good I think. Looks like it's packed on quite a bit more weight. The colas are starting to lean and tip over. Still running PPMs @ 750 and 6.0 p.H. I'm thinking I've got another week before I flush. It's close I think.
  3. rigid94

    Want to Know If Your Plants are Finished?

    I've got Blackberry Kush. Day 65 of flower.. I'm thinking another week.. What do you think??
  4. rigid94

    First time grower: Blueberry Kush 2'x2' tent DWC LED/CFL

    Sorry! I've been MIA for a few weeks! Super busy lately. I believe the plant suffered from nute burn/ lockout. So some of the leaves are a little burnt. PPM's jumped up out of no where and hit 1600ish one day. NO BUENO!! I did a root rinse/ straight ph'd RO water flush and a few days later...
  5. rigid94

    First time grower: Blueberry Kush 2'x2' tent DWC LED/CFL

    Did some lollipopping/trimming. Trichome development is growing better and better every day. And getting more frosty! Smelling real strong like lemon and cotton candy/bubblegum
  6. rigid94

    First time grower: Blueberry Kush 2'x2' tent DWC LED/CFL

    Week 5 of 12/12 Nutes in the 1100PPM range with 5mL of Hydroplex pH 6.0
  7. rigid94

    First time grower: Blueberry Kush 2'x2' tent DWC LED/CFL

    Hydroplex is really doing work!
  8. rigid94

    First time grower: Blueberry Kush 2'x2' tent DWC LED/CFL

    Using CNS-17 Bloom as per schedule on bottle plus whatever it takes to get PPM's up to 1100ppm range. Started to introduce Hydroplex in the mix after a res change as well. pH: 6.0 PPM: 1045 Since adding the 300w panel, the buds have really picked up in weight and size. It's also starting to...
  9. rigid94

    First time grower: Blueberry Kush 2'x2' tent DWC LED/CFL

    Hey guys, I've been lurking on the site for a little bit now and thought I'd share my FIRST grow that I've got going on right now. I've gotten quite a bit of info from a couple buddies of mine that occasionally grow as well as from all of your posts/threads here on RIU. Let me know what you guys...
  10. rigid94

    Stealth 70w HPS SCROG

    nice set up. looking good so far. im looking forward to seeing how that plant fills out the little scrog!
  11. rigid94

    Reku's Cab Scrog- Kaya-47 from seed.

    great grow reku. did you ever get a final weight of the whole grow? i think remember you said had the first half at 30g.. what did the rest come out to?
  12. rigid94

    Attic build

    Just like this. Using as big a sheet of plywood as you can fit into the attic access.
  13. rigid94

    Attic build

    Well, his has to be some variation of 2ft wide..(i.e. 3/4" x 2' x 4') Bigger the piece the better. You just have to make sure you lay it down flat and centered as possible across the joists/ support beams. You can even lay down more sheets as a walkway. On a side note, an attic will get very...
  14. rigid94

    Attic build

    Lay the sheet down flat across the ceiling joists. The joists provide plenty of support.
  15. rigid94

    Attic build

    Just use 3/4" sheets of plywood and nail/screw it down. Cheap and less pieces. It's what I use when installing furnaces in residential attics.