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  1. allencatskill

    Hempy Not as Easy as it Looks, Apparently

    Just a quick update.
  2. allencatskill

    Hempy Not as Easy as it Looks, Apparently

    I guess I can't drag and drop pictures in a quick reply. Headband, Orgasmic OG, Super Skunk.
  3. allencatskill

    Hempy Not as Easy as it Looks, Apparently

    So after a thorough rinsing and a little time, my babies are doing just fine. There really isn't too much to hempy, but I kinda screwed up on a small but important step in the beginning by not rinsing all of that perlite dust out. /Users/allencatskill/Desktop/IMG_0037.JPG...
  4. allencatskill

    Hempy Not as Easy as it Looks, Apparently

    I only have one hole per bucket. Thanks though. I think what happened was my perlite wasn't rinsed enough so there was some dust that became kind of a thick muck. I believe this was why my roots were starved for oxygen. I went ahead and re-rinsed the perlite and my plants seem to be doing a...
  5. allencatskill

    Hempy Not as Easy as it Looks, Apparently

    I've never heard anything about mold either. I'm a relatively experienced grower and have had great success with aero and dwc. I really thought it was going to be easier to grow hempy but I screwed it up right off the bat. Right now I'm wondering how I'm going to aerate my perlite, if in fact...
  6. allencatskill

    Hempy Not as Easy as it Looks, Apparently

    I do have drainage holes on the side and am using smaller perlite and vermiculite. After I watered though, I did feel as if the perlite was compacted, leading me to think that my roots were starved for oxygen. Kind of playing wait and see right now.
  7. allencatskill

    Hempy Not as Easy as it Looks, Apparently

    Nute mix was very weak, I didn't want to burn 'em. I'm waiting for my medium to dry out to make sure it's not an overwatering, then I'm going to flush them and hope that if it's a ph problem I can get them back on the right track.
  8. allencatskill

    Hempy Not as Easy as it Looks, Apparently

    I'm hoping they can recover quickly. Hempy is supposed to be dummy-proof. What does that say about me?!
  9. allencatskill

    Hempy Not as Easy as it Looks, Apparently

    There wasn't any root damage as far as I could tell before I transplanted them, but you never know. The real bummer is that they were thriving before I moved them. I ph'd the water that was used for the hempy buckets, but I'm really starting to lean towards nute lock.
  10. allencatskill

    Hempy Not as Easy as it Looks, Apparently

    Transplanted six well rooted clones into hempy buckets after removing them from a bubbler. They were all doing great until the move. Initially I thought I over watered them but now I think there may be some nute lock out. All opinions are welcome.
  11. allencatskill

    WTF is this!?!?

    Spider mites. If you are growing in an enclosed area like a tent or a closet, buy some NO PEST STRIPS, hang them in your grow area, turn off your fans and watch the little bastards die.
  12. allencatskill

    Interested in opinions....

    I'm using DWC so just change out the res and start over?
  13. allencatskill

    Interested in opinions....

    There are a thousand tutorials on identifying plant problems on rollitup. Just curious about what my peers think about this particular problem. Growing Critical Mass in DWC, vegging with t5 flouros. Leaves are brown and crispy on the edges.
  14. allencatskill

    spider mites

    It's true that you have to stop air exchange for a few days. I have a grow tent and also use neg pressure to scrub the air and cool my HPS.
  15. allencatskill

    spider mites

    I'm about 3 weeks in.
  16. allencatskill

    Spider mites SUCK! No Pest Strip?

    Seems like the NPS is the way to go. I have two of them in my grow tent and they really seem to be working. I'm a believer.
  17. allencatskill

    spider mites

    That's seems pretty harsh. I'm currently battling the little bastards myself. They started showing up at 2 weeks into flowering and I'm not going down without a fight! I hung 2 Hot Shot No Pest Strips in my grow tent and two days later ALL of the adults are dead. There are still a bunch of eggs...
  18. allencatskill

    Spider mites SUCK! No Pest Strip?

    Will Doktor Doom take care of the eggs?
  19. allencatskill

    Spider mites SUCK! No Pest Strip?

    I'm in my third week of flowering. Will the fogger have any negative effects on my flowers? Also, I'm growing Dj short's FLO, and max flower time is 8 weeks. If I fog or use avid now will they have time to purge the poison? It's strange.....I still don't see any adult mites and there's not that...
  20. allencatskill

    Spider mites SUCK! No Pest Strip?

    Checked again in more detail. No adult mites to be seen, but my plants are still being destroyed. I guess they're still in there somewhere. Pretty bummed.