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  1. learing the ways

    400w mh can i veg and flower under it??

    setup is on page 1 chek the links
  2. learing the ways

    400w mh can i veg and flower under it??

    can some1 please have a look at what i plan to buy and let me know how many plants they think i can grow in there? and if the setup will be any good. many thanks
  3. learing the ways

    400w mh can i veg and flower under it??

    thanks theworldsmine, always nice to hear peoples opinions. 2bh personally im looking to get a good yield aswell as nice bud so hps will probs be the way.
  4. learing the ways

    400w mh can i veg and flower under it??

    the tent is 1mx1mx2m
  5. learing the ways

    400w mh can i veg and flower under it??

    sorry pasted the wrong tent, right so i think i know wat im doing but ill show you guys and you let me know wat you think. this tent kit...
  6. learing the ways

    400w mh can i veg and flower under it??

    many thanks too both of you for your replys alot of helpfull information there. here is the link for the tent i was looking at
  7. learing the ways

    400w mh can i veg and flower under it??

    answers please.
  8. learing the ways

    400w mh can i veg and flower under it??

    hey thanks for the reply. i see so the mh would be a pointless bulb for flowering then, wat about with regards to vegging? also it tells me that i can run a sodium bulb of the same ballast would this be any better? i havent as of yet purchased the tent kit but once i know wat to get i will...
  9. learing the ways

    400w mh can i veg and flower under it??

    hey all, i have had some experience with growing have a couple of grows under my belt, they were only small and were under cfls tho. i am now looking into growing in a grow tent with a 400w mh. what i need to know is can i veg and flower under this bulb?? thnx
  10. learing the ways

    Newbie, plants look small pics...

    well i run my veg plants on 18/6 only thing i run on 24/0 is my clones. i find that giving them some darkness is good, as it allows for the plant to work on growing its roots while it isnt takeing in any light through the leaves to create sugers. fans on 24/7 good ventilation will prevent mold...
  11. learing the ways

    Newbie, plants look small pics...

    in my opinion i would put them on 18/6 see if ther is a change, also do both of you have ventilation coz without growth can stunt also high temps will effect ur growth rate, and last but not least make sure ur not over watering or under watering, experiment wid ur plants till u know u doing...
  12. learing the ways

    little indoor grow just started

    18/6 is good for veg yes. if i was you i would seperate the into ther own pots soon as though, will be easier than doing it l8r.
  13. learing the ways

    Jumpin' Jack Flash, its a gas gas gas.

    looking good as always mate,hope everythink goes well for ya.
  14. learing the ways

    5x white budda lowryder's, 1x mixed lowryder

    hey guys i didnt get busted lol, been busy and also have had the internet down aswell lol, neways i will get some pics up and let u know wat's been going on tomoz hopefully, thanx for the concern guys and speak to you all soon.
  15. learing the ways

    5x white budda lowryder's, 1x mixed lowryder

    made myself a custom scope :) so i hopefully will know wen to harvest just right this time. yer i look forward to the tent. hows things for u mate?
  16. learing the ways

    5x white budda lowryder's, 1x mixed lowryder

    thanx fyfe, hows things for you atm??
  17. learing the ways

    5x white budda lowryder's, 1x mixed lowryder

    yer wen me money problems sorted i get the tent and kit i want but probs wont be for a while though but aslong as im growing sumink i be happy :)
  18. learing the ways

    First Indoor Grow

    awsome dude sounding good, keep up the good work purple is good :)
  19. learing the ways

    5x white budda lowryder's, 1x mixed lowryder

    till they done my friend till they done
  20. learing the ways

    5x white budda lowryder's, 1x mixed lowryder

    heres the pics lmao