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  1. J

    Carbon fitlers and CFM's

    I have a 6" booster fan doing about 280cfm and was thinking about getting a carbon filter for a 3x4x6 room. The fan and duct line is currently only acting as a heat exchange and would be easy to put a 6" carbon filter on the end of it or i could reduce it to 4" and get the 4" carbon fitler...
  2. J

    can Molasses be used with the Fox Farm line up?

    Unsulfered molass. 1T per Gal and once a week is plenty. I water 2-3 times a week using FF trio and molass. I rotate one than the other and so on. Alot of people just use molass during flowering but i use it through out its whole life cycle. Good luck
  3. J

    Ooooo shit i need help please!!!!!!

    My guess is you sealed it up to tight, a plant also needs CO2 or Carbon which then a plant releases Oxygen. I hope we all understand this, so having said that you need a good air exchange or you will sufficate it. Keep in mind CO2 is pushed down closer to the floor, and Oxygen rises with the...
  4. J

    Pruning Help

    I dont know where you got this idea from but you missed the boat dude. Only experienced growers should remove leaves to control growth which if you are asking this question my guess is you are not very experienced, and even then the jury is still out on prunning. Myself i do not do any...
  5. J

    What do you think?

    If you havent yet start giving it a little molass. once a week it will help for more vigorous growth as well as developing resin early. Mix it in with your feeding schedule and continue into flowering 1T per gal is all you need.
  6. J

    Getting Ready For First Time Grow... need advice!

    6" duct booster fans work well as well as they are 250+ cfms and around 25-30$ at any home store around.
  7. J

    done with week one of flowering, training the flower??

    Tie it down i just had to do the same no problems good luck
  8. J

    first time, they look dry and burnt

    its better to start young seedlings further from the light as you want to establish a robust root system before your plant starts to grow. Also the older and more mature a plant gets the stronger and more tolrant it will be. My guess is it was too hot get a therm. and check the temp 90 degrees...
  9. J

    need opinions.

    Everything you need to know is on this site. All you need to do is read and look alittle, every question you have has already been asked aleast 100 times. That acually would require less work than starting threads and bumping them up again and again because your asking dumb questions. Good luck
  10. J

    Outdoor Problem!

    30-06 should take care of it. Otherwise use chicken wire around it alot of times its the rabbits smaller animals that eat it.
  11. J

    Something wrong with my plant.. Help please?

    Looks like fert. burn, i dont know what you are using and how much you gave it. I also dont know how long you have been giving it fert. but good rule of thumb is start like 1/4-1/2 strength and slowly increase it otherwise you will fry the roots and in turn the leaves/or plant will die. read...
  12. J

    Sick girl please help!!!pics

    Yes indeed dead the end result was not disappointing although i do relize its potential could have been alot better. About 2 oz per plant, def. not a personal best but quality was still pretty good. I know some yellowing is normal to age, and it is kind of hard to tell in the picture but the...
  13. J

    Adding Sugar to bud during flowering?

    1 tablespoon per gallon is correct, or atleast that is what i do. I use it through out its life including during Veg. period. Once a week is all i give it and yes you do need to give it nutes too, the molass. alone doesnt have enough to sustain life just adds to the cause. Good luck
  14. J

    Fox farm soil/nute question

    after the first couple weeks slowly wean it off and slowly increase the tiger bloom, as the plant doesnt use much P during the early stages but will damand it during heavy bud growth. You got it nothing to it.... Good luck
  15. J

    Leaf Edges/tips browning/crisping... Potassium (K) Imbalance? Nute burn? Need a hand

    Looks like over-watering first of all, and alittle nute burn. My guess is you got a little heavy on the nutes and locked up potass. or zinc hence the edges browing. Back off the nutes and see what happens. You can add all the nutes you want but the plant is only going to use what it needs...
  16. J

    Adding Sugar to bud during flowering?

    yea what he said kinda, use molass. $ 1.70 at the super market. The plant will use the carbs, sugar, iron, along with alll the micro nuts. in molass. As far as taste goes most of the comes with the curing process, which i recommend reading about if you already havent. Personal experience...
  17. J

    Fox farm soil/nute question

    I also use the trio, and if you dont give it Big grow or some form of nitro. base fert. then you will back on here just like everyone else saying, " why are my leaves dieing, please help!" The plant goes through a strech period where the branches if you will, start developing other nodes for...
  18. J

    Newbie wondering when right time to harvest?

    Radio shack sells a 10x-100x microscope look it up on line or go in the store. It costs like 18 bucks, and you can watch everything you need to, without forking out big bucks. good luck
  19. J

    Can I Grow a non autoflower and keep it under 3 feet?

    If done right most plants will double in size from the time of the light change to the end of its life cycle. My advise to you is: veg it till its about 10-12" then top it. After you top it the nodes below will start growing up towards the light and the overal height grow will be stunted...
  20. J

    Good lights for cheap?. will these work?

    Good rule a thumb the applies to just about anything in life. " The more you put into it, the more you will get out of it." Time, Effort,Research,MONEY Good Luck!