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  1. S

    Lavender and G13 haze seeds

    well 4 out of 4 lavender seeds have spouted and 4 out of 5 G13 haze seeds have sprouted up. using the greenhouse method. the heating pad made a huge difference in my success rate.
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    Lavender and G13 haze seeds

    just got 12 lavender and 12 G13 haze seeds. jealous? ill put up pictures when i can. they'll be beautiful. :mrgreen:
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    old seeds?

    well i have 200 to play with so ill try all the different methods. but they were just stored in a zip lock bag but they still look good. not dried out or anything i don't think.
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    old seeds?

    does it matter how old the seeds are to make them spout? i got like 200 two year old seeds for free.. is it even worth trying?
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    in need of seeds!!

    whats the yeild roughly? and whats that in US dollars?
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    my plants DIEING!!!

    no i don't see anything but that very well could be it because i cleaned my room about three days ago and it was filthy with dirt and dust and what not. so ill give the spray a try definitly.
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    ive have failed so many god damn times

    alright heres the deal. youve guys have had some good come backs. but this weekend im buying more soil, better lights, gunna go with 6500k cfls. and try to find better nutrients in this damn town. the higher the nitrogen the better for cloning right? and im gunna take another clipping from my...
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    my plants DIEING!!!

    im using 4 cfl's 6500k 25w. and the hottest the temp had been was 87 but i got a better ventilation system a few weeks ago and has been around 75 ever since and im using soil. 50% peat moss and 50% perlite.
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    sure thing. i no better.
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    my plants DIEING!!!

    my baby was fine last night and when i just checked it its leaves are very badly wilted and have brown spots. and are very crispy. what happened? what should i do? is it fixable or is it done with?
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    hmm that is weird but okay. ill ask them all. and just buy more and pick through it all. sweet. hopefully i get my hands on some soon.
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    i have many connections yes but none are actual growers. they're just slanging. i've talked to many ppl but i suppose ill continue to try.
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    cloning question?

    awesome! thats what i was hopeing to hear.
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    im a new grower and i have a grow room all set up ready to go but i have no way of getting seeds? what should i do? i live in the U.S. and ordering is risky cuz im still living with my parents... and well they don't approve.
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    cloning question?

    alright sweet. ill give it a try tomorrow. and pray that it works.
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    cloning question?

    is it possible to clone from a plant that is about three to four weeks in the flowering stage?
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    in need of seeds!!

    i need seeds real bad but i live in the states.. and live with my parents that won't let me order any. should i just say forget it? or are there ways of making it possible? if so plllease share.
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    ive have failed so many god damn times

    okay so hears the deal. ive been trying to grow since spring by germinating seeds and planting them outside. that failed of course. then in the beginning of august my uncle shows up with a plant and gave it to my dad. but my dad wont let me grow right. so i spent like 300 bucks to make a perfect...