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  1. saynotothebs

    I'm back wishing I could grow again

    I'm back wishing I could grow again
  2. saynotothebs

    Co and wa legalized mj

    why is mj illegal anyway????
  3. saynotothebs


    sorry but i hope the bears win
  4. saynotothebs

    What is the best way to position 1000 watt lights in a room?

    mmmmm mmmmmm mmmmm sounds good i hope we get blessed with some pics!!!!!
  5. saynotothebs

    Help , Please...Leaf Edges curling and turning yellow

    clawing of the leaves could mean too much heat...i anit no pro though...they just babies i wouldnt go all crazy with the nutes..but i really dont know anything about growing, just my opinion from doing research on the subject...
  6. saynotothebs

    Anyone still smoke blunts?

    dutch masters all day....
  7. saynotothebs

    New Indoor Grow and NEED HELP

    i think you need more light and lots of it they should be much bigger
  8. saynotothebs


    thats horrible sorry you had to experience the pain of someone stealing from you....
  9. saynotothebs

    Busted in Chicago

    10 million street value 1500 plants hmmm that would be about 7000 dollars a plant lmao....thats total bullshit we are being lied to this government is bullshit!!!!!!!!!!
  10. saynotothebs

    Having weed is making me hate my freinds(SackCHasin)

    you broke the rules now you have to deal with your greedy friends.....
  11. saynotothebs

    Take plants out while lights off?

    tell him they are about i wake u up in the middle of the night while your sleep....standing over your bed with my fingers in your hair....
  12. saynotothebs

    Make these last holidays count, we aren't going to be FREE for anymore!!!

    stockpileing bullets, and non perish foods now my man...i wont be rounded up at least not if i see you rolling with the new age riders i will bless you no matter your skin color...its gonna get dark...but some of us are gonna make it out of this and see the light, when it comes...
  13. saynotothebs

    health care bill passes, ...

    can someone please tell me the details of this plan and remember i have no college education so keep it simple...i would like to know how they are gonna pay for this thats really the main thing..or even point me to a website with the details of the plan that i can read...
  14. saynotothebs


    they all look hermie to me...
  15. saynotothebs

    The easiest harvesting guide

    dog forreal i aint trying to be a dick and i say this in the softest voice possible....but you really wasted your time with all that...i mean harvesting technique treads are all over this site...but at least you are trying to help...i really anit feeling the drying with the leaves still on there...
  16. saynotothebs

    double big mac meal... so good

    mmm big mac with no lettuce...think i might have to make a trip tonight...
  17. saynotothebs

    white widow cured pics

    mmmm looking good...
  18. saynotothebs

    Plz Tell what you can do wit Hermi...?

    if its your only plant then grow it out full term...really depends on what dominates meaning is there more seeds than bud if there is more seeds i would toss it unless it was my only plant...
  19. saynotothebs

    Interracial Couple Denied Marriage License. (Long read)

    hahaha nigga you wild lmao...:fire:
  20. saynotothebs

    the ghetto grow..

    get them lights closer...fuck the haters...roll a blunt and keep doing your thing...