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  1. Jaffy

    DWC 1 Month 130 watt cfl

    u should chill and smoke a j. but really i dont like my PH to be above 6 or a temp above like 78. ps if your a douche nobody will respond
  2. Jaffy

    Umm, I think I have a prob w/ my girl..

    looks like nutes to me with the way the leaves are yellowing and the tips are burnt. i would flush a few times and lay off the nutes to see if it helps out. on 2nd look it could also be heat stress, but more likely to be nute burn
  3. Jaffy

    How much yeild?

    put it back on 18/6 :P
  4. Jaffy

    Need advice on growing with HPS only

    ^^^^ what he said. I use a HPS + CFLS for my entire grow, but if i had a MH id use it during veg
  5. Jaffy

    Bagseed Aerogarden Grow #1 (Bullrider, haze seeds maybe???)

    I feel like an AG is only big enough to have 1 full sized plant b/c eventually they start squeezin each other out. good luck tho, ill be following along :)
  6. Jaffy

    first time growing

    wrong section...... the one thats growing looks like its stretching, alot. what lights are you using.
  7. Jaffy

    2 weeks in wat ya think

    you should be trying to sex them at this point and get the males outta there
  8. Jaffy

    1st time grower using aerogarden

    read the FAQs. But yes growing from bagseeds will work. You can even get some nice results if you make sure and grow it right. Good luck on your grow. keep us updated.
  9. Jaffy

    Flower Lighting Questions - 2 Weeks in - Pix - Help Appreciated

    because they do put out alot of heat.
  10. Jaffy

    I. Am. Noob. Please help.

    your plants are stretching BAD. get some more light on those girls
  11. Jaffy

    More Flowering Questions

    more light = bigger yield. i have 2 150 w hps for my 2 plants. But i mean the size of your plant also has a huge impact on how much bud you actually produce. if you have the money id say bump up to the hps
  12. Jaffy

    More Flowering Questions

    take the hood off :eyesmoke:
  13. Jaffy

    aerogarden newbie, please help

    uhhh well first of all when its time for vegging.. which should be like nowish you should put them on 18/6 not 12/12. what kind of lights are you using? whats the ph? whats the temp of your grow room. its hard to diagnose anything without pictures tho :/
  14. Jaffy

    Need help making cloner

    why not just use ur AG for cloning?
  15. Jaffy

    my first super duper dope grow

    it shouldent matter too much but about a 1/4 of an inch is a good rule
  16. Jaffy

    Another first aerogarden!! Yay!!

    ya they look like they might be stretching a bit. what are you using for light just those 2 cfls?
  17. Jaffy

    NooB here saying Hi and check my grow

    srsly get rid of that tinfoil.
  18. Jaffy

    my first super duper dope grow

    no dont cut them in half. be sure to put the seeds in root down. good luck
  19. Jaffy

    aerogarden starts to dwc w/pics

    how did you transfer the plants from the aero to the dwc?
  20. Jaffy

    What is the easiest indoor option?

    look into making a dwc or aero grow. cheap, easy and has great results :weed:. good luck