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  1. J


    how long does it take a seed to sprout
  2. J


    How long are they good for cause i just got some that are 5- 7 yrs old? wondering if they any good
  3. J

    How long are seeds good for?

    how long are seeds good for cause i just put down some that are really good seeds but 7 yrs old?
  4. J


    when i took the cuttings i filled my containers with soil and then i took the cuttings from my mother plants x2 i got 6 clones i shaved the stem a very lil bit then dipped it in the cloning solution and planted in soil and watered them and sprayed them every day when needed i have two...
  5. J


    oh also how tall should the clones be before you start flowering them?
  6. J


    G force wow your smart for a stoner lol j/k k i have the mothers in soil and i cut them off ans shaved a lil on the cut part and dipped them in a hormone solution and yes i improvised for a dome but i used something that kept moisture and no ph level? i have no clue about that and i used tap...
  7. J

    venting heat and smell will this work?

    ok so i bought a door for my room and some vinyl ducting tube stuff and i am wondering if i cant just exhaust it out of the window instead of a carbon filter? and will the pull from the exhaust be enough to pull air in to the room when exhausting the roomout the window? please help oh and i need...
  8. J


    no i never have had jack befor so im really pumped but my clones keep dying wat am i doing wrong ?
  9. J


    thanks but they are dead. they were all hard and crispy the leafs that is does anyone know why this happend to my clones?
  10. J


    i Have some jack herer clones that are 3 days old or so and seem to be putting up a new stem and leaf. my question is will my florescent tubes do the trick for lighting?
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    Energy cost

    for a month
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    Energy cost

    How much Will it run me to run a 400 watt hps for 12 hrs a day
  13. J

    venting heat and smell will this work?

    wat if i cut two holes in door one for sucking air into grow room and one for blowing air out through a carbon filter with a fan in both holes
  14. J

    walk in closet grow

    so could i get a whole in the door with a fan blowing out of the grow closet through a carbon filter and another hole that has a fan blowing air into the closet?
  15. J

    walk in closet grow

    ES thanks but wat if i got another door to put on the closet so that i can cut holes in it and stuff then how would i do it can you explain
  16. J

    Walk in closet grow need help

    dwr were do i get a cool tube and how much for a complete setup i have 200 to spend please help?
  17. J

    walk in closet grow

    were do i go with the heat or duct vent stuff i cant cut any holes?
  18. J

    walk in closet grow

    ya thats a shop light with 2 fluorescents
  19. J

    walk in closet grow

    i have six jack herer clones that are one day old so minimum six possibly ten wat and were is an inline fan and does it cover smell?
  20. J

    walk in closet grow

    3 ft deep by 5 ft wide by 8 ft high is the dimensions on my closet and i need help choosing lights and how to ventilate heat and smell with out cutting holes so please help this is my first grow need help bad so take a look at my room here a pic