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  1. J

    Last days in pot.Thinking of choping her down today would like advice

    Thanks for the quick response...I didn't get much due to a late start but wanted the most out of it. So it's off to the jar for some fine marinating ;-)..... I grow outdoors only so it's gonna be a long winter but look out next year! I've learned a lot from this site. Thanks again...Peace
  2. J

    Last days in pot.Thinking of choping her down today would like advice

    I have a question....will the cure do anything to the potency? I have my buds in paper bags for now and just wondered if the whole jar thing does anything special?
  3. J

    Welcome New Members! matter how bad you want to grow I wouldn't with the kids. That's a pretty price to pay if you get busted...not something you want your kids tagged with every where they go. I refrained after I started my family and now they're older and gone and it's my time comes...
  4. J

    Welcome New Members!

    Hey Victor, Thanks for the response. I took your advise and checked out the curing process. I'm on the right track so far, trimmed off the leaves and am just leaving the bud to hang a bit longer, then off to the paper bags and then jars. Does the whole process make the smoke any more potent? I...
  5. J

    Welcome New Members!

    Hey, I've been looking at this site for a few weeks and have learned alot. Only issue I have is that I never see anyone "online" and when I posted a question I couldn't find the answer if it was answered. It's a great site but kinda difficult to track your own questions due to sooooo many posts...
  6. J

    Grrrrrrrr someone ganked my girls!!!!!!!!!!!!

    havin you plants snagged would suck big time.