Search results

  1. girljungle

    Whats you favorite thanksgiving food

    I like to consume gravy until it oozes out of my pores. :)
  2. girljungle

    Steam Gamers?

    Portal and Peggle!
  3. girljungle

    How Much is an Ounce of Bud in your Area

    $220 CAD for really nice :)
  4. girljungle

    Whats your state

    Canada :joint::joint:
  5. girljungle

    Women... pfft

    You know you have the girl for you when you think you're getting your way and really it's ours... ;)
  6. girljungle

    You know you don't feel safe when.........

    If I have change I give it. I could give a crap what they spend it on. If it makes someone else's day easier when mine is going well....
  7. girljungle

    Is my stealing justified?

    You need Man Classes.
  8. girljungle

    Women... pfft

    Congratulations!!! :joint: I always wanted a boy and had two girls. This last time I was sure it would be a girl, again, so we didn't have a name. :-P All were surprises by choice. hehe
  9. girljungle

    Women... pfft

    Boy, did you get dumped today? We are a very nice species. Sounds like nothing a little gravy won't cure...
  10. girljungle

    Women... pfft

    Sounds like my house! Just add two lil girls to that boy. <3
  11. girljungle

    Jorge Cervantes is a big fat idiot.

    Isn't he the guy who wrote the Something Something Grow Something Bible I have sitting on the back of my toilet? I've read it a few times and I find it confusing in some parts. Like it suggested to wait until your plant preflowers before moving from veg to flowering so you don't stress the plant...
  12. girljungle

    Whats the weirdest animal youve gotten high and how did u do it???? haha

    I recall the moth was stoned. He flew pretty close the the pavement for a while... If only I had a moth and hamster ball. I have the duct tape.
  13. girljungle

    Women... pfft

    Eventually you all come around to the fact that you can't take care of yourselves. Yes, I'll take you in. *pat pat*
  14. girljungle


    Thanks Chiceh! <3
  15. girljungle

    Women... pfft

    Ditto! Plus men can't multitask. Yes, you should be able to do ten things at once, I do. No, I'm not being unreasonable when I ask. Rule #1: I am always right. Rule #2: If I'm wrong see rule #1.
  16. girljungle

    what's on your "recommended" list

    If I was SMRT enough to embed it, I would have.....ugh.
  17. girljungle

    WoW anyone?

    meh maybe you're the guy in the video "getting friendly" with himself with his dancing night elf! :p my game is here! :)
  18. girljungle

    THE WORST case of the munchies

    I guess my worst case of munchies was falling for the "see how many saltines you can eat at once" trick! lol
  19. girljungle

    WoW anyone?

    I bought a 24" iMac when my pc died a bad death after melting video cards. My husbands pc is on its last legs. We currently have the side off and two house fans blowing on it. And you can't shut it off or it may not wake up ever again. He's a pc guy though and only uses my mac to sync his...
  20. girljungle


    omfg I effin lmao when i see Bubbles. My favourite epi is the Rush one. Man, and his kitties.