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  1. C

    Help With Nutes (Giving +Rep For Good AnsweR)

    my first grow i used earth juice. i bought grow bloom and catalyst. it was easy to use and i got great results. there is no crazy feeding schedule you have to follow. i was also feeding it molasses during flowering.
  2. C

    White dragon clone 140w hps

    how do i turn the photos right side up?
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    White dragon clone 140w hps

    Here is my first baby. i had killed a few seedling and my buddy gave me a clone of his white dragon. i veged under 3 cfl's. i wne t 12/12 two weeks ago. i am using two,70w hps lights from the home depot and a cfl. this is my first sucessful plant. check it out
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    12/12 before vacation

    yes i went 12/12 before vacation. they both almost doubled in 9 10 days. i got rid of the bagseed skunk and am just keeping the dragon. i am using a 70w hps with 2 26w cfl.
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    12/12 before vacation

    here is another pic of the box.. im am transplanting them both tonigt to bigger pots
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    12/12 before vacation

    hey the island is about 14 inches tall and the cabinet im in is about 5 feet tall. here are some pics. im switching to hps and will cover the inside completly with mylar? what do you think. i think i will start to flower
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    12/12 before vacation

    Hey i have a one white dragon clone that has vaginas all over it and one bag seed sweet island. i have been using cfl's 18/6 and the sweet island already has a few sets of pistols. i am leaving town for 9 days ( i have the watering covered, buddy greenthumb doing that) i was wondering if it...
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    Clone leaves turning yellowish, droppy

    I know that roots shouldnt be exposed to light but i was trying to see if it had rooted. this is what is looks like. please help
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    Clone leaves turning yellowish, droppy

    this is them i the have been yellowing for 2-2.5 days now. they have been in the ground for 10 days. it is in a perlite and vermiculite. used rooting powder.
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    Clone leaves turning yellowish, droppy

    I have a clone that has been for 10 days now. Takin from a female white dragon. Under a simple florescent. The bottom leaves and the second level up are turning yellow. Also the leaves have been droppy for a few days now. What is going on? I thought it would be rooted and fix itself by now...
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    Hello i am setting up my grow box. i am going to line the sides with mylar but i am unable to find it? where does they sell that shit? is it only online?
  12. C

    cutting of clone leafs

    I just clipped my clone and it is under a humidity dome now. I am confused as to which leaves to cut. Do it cut all of them, i have cut the bottom fans leaves but the others are big and i am concerned that they are to big?