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  1. O

    Remote Scottish Grow

    Sorry can I just interject on one point there: scotland did not exactly ask to join the Uk, nor were the asked per say. However there were two acts of parliament from both member states, to create a union in the early 1800s. It had a lot to do with the fact that both states had been sharing...
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    recommend me some strains :)

    Hey jim have you grown the ultimate by dp? I've just ordered some beans under the impression that it finishes in 8-10 weeks.... They always claim shit finishes quicker though..
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    My first grow doesn't appear to be going so well

    Never grown an auto... Wouldn't be worrying about it not showing sex yet, although would be expecting it very soon... Does sound like you had a lot of set backs in the beginning though! I think you should def be giving some dark hours... Think most people seem to agree that 18/6 is best for...
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    Canna coco nutrients and coco

    Man red dragon has a beautiful smell and taste never grown it though but that reminds me I may have some decent clones available to me from a close allie... yeh that's another thing the nicest tastin shit never seems to be the best yielding but I guess that's a metaphor for everything in life...
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    Any "Green Rush" investors out there?

    Ok seems like a lot of mixed opinions here! I'm def into some of these mj stocks though, just spent like the last 4 hours looking into it and there is def a few companies that are worth a gamble. Going to do a good bit more research over the next little while before committing any cash mind you...
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    Any "Green Rush" investors out there?

    Thanks man, will take a look at them...
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    Any "Green Rush" investors out there?

    Anyone got an opinion on which online broker to use?
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    Any "Green Rush" investors out there?
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    Any "Green Rush" investors out there? nearly a year old now but this looks like an interesting hedge fund... been looking at a few penny stocks but like you guys sayin, there's just so may! really interested though and love a...
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    who gets seeds sent to the place the grow

    Man I really would not get shit sent to a grow house not worth the risk (although I'm sure I'm prob just paranoid)! If your buddy already knows, just get them sent to his. Better safe than sorry!
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    Canna coco nutrients and coco

    Gota say all your picks look good man! good job! I'd never heard of blumats lol just googled them an they def look good, I'm a firm believer in the little and often method of watering! thats the chart I've been more or less stickin to for past couple years (all in ml per 10ltr)... Only thing...
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    Do YOU think catch & release is the best option after you catch the fish?

    I mostly trout fish, generally just keep one for dinner put the rest back ( if I get lucky). Where i am our stalks are low so gotta think bout next generation! When salmon fishing where I am it's the law to put first fish back!
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    1 Plant 600w HPS 20L Pot Topped Once - (Was 2 plant for Veg but one was male :( )

    How many weeks veg? What size space you in? What's your medium? Do you have a good nutes schedule dialled? All things to consider... my mates just finished a jack herer in 20 lt pot with coco using canna nutes, vegged for about a month. He was growing in a 1.2x1.2 m2 tent with a 600, an he got...
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    Anyone using Lumatek ballasts needs to read this

    Wow that is very interesting! I have a lot of experience with lumatek ballasts and never had such a problem. Although I've only every used 600's, and generally the whole grow would be on its own breaker(s). Can someone explain why the ballasts being on there own breaker, would make any...
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    Nutrient problem! NPK, EC, PPM

    Thanks for that man, all good advice.... Think it's dwc time, seems to be the way forward ( although been having great results it coco with normal watering through pump and lance but wanting to cut down plant numbers and speed things up!). Open to suggestions though if anyone has any other ideas?
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    Growing in a highrise apartment building

    Yeh I would go for it tbh, I've grown in quite a few rented properties, (although never in canada!)chances are it will be fine. What are your subletting laws where you are? A friend of mine lives in a rented flat an grows in his spare room... After bout 6 weeks of moving in he contacted his...
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    Nutrient problem! NPK, EC, PPM

    Cool man, thanks
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    Nutrient problem! NPK, EC, PPM

    Excellent! Thanks for quick response... So what your saying is, if I need to add more, add a little bit of everything at usual ratio until desired level? Doniawon: thanks for that "cheat sheet" that's a great little bit of knowledge to have!
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    Nutrient problem! NPK, EC, PPM

    Ok so first post... Excuse me if I sound like an idiot. im not new to growing, but never ran a hydro system. Been doing lots of research about hydro and only have one question left unanswered. Not even sure how to word it lol, but here goes; when you make a mixture you set your ec/ppm to a...