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  1. halliemeadows

    Simple Harvest and Cure (Step By Step)

    those leaves? nice for tea - elegant tutorial; thanks
  2. halliemeadows

    Should Welfare Recipients be Forced to Perform Community Service?

    yes, teacher. what if there isn't any more food because humans have ruined the environment or, as in Brazil, locked the animals into little pieces of unconnected land here check it out I think this applies to...
  3. halliemeadows

    Should Welfare Recipients be Forced to Perform Community Service?

    on the subject of work, and community, and locking things up, you guys should read the book Ishmael by Daniel Quinn, which presents a view of our Taker society that most don't think about. I'm disappointed that people who seem so enlightened (just by being members of a high-minded community...
  4. halliemeadows


    Actually i have been researching this issue (Male or female) and the info is not that easy to come by. thanks for a clearer explanation than i've ever found before, but where am i looking for these clusters and the clear-looking hair? Are there any pix? either yours or a reference i could...
  5. halliemeadows

    Uncle Ben's Topping Technique to Get 2 or 4 Main Colas link goes to untrusted site message - says somebody may be trying to intercept
  6. halliemeadows

    if you have ever grown pot or are going to. THIS IS YOUR BIBLE

    How did you know? described me to a T . . .