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  1. R

    What do you think of this weed?

    I just want to hear few opinions from ppl nothing else mate.
  2. R

    Why is marijuana a "Gateway Drug"?

    Well my opinion is that it gets you more familiar with the underworld since it's illegal (atleast in my country) since if you find way to buy weed you will be able to find coke or any kind of pills lateron. Also you get familiar of getting "high". Before you got high the first time, the idea of...
  3. R

    What do you think of this weed?

    Gypsies are not people who you should trust actually, everyone blames their weed being sprayed with any kind of gas to give any kind of high, people here are not really familiar with proper strains like OG kush, Purple Haze and so on, we name weed from it's origin, Albanian, Gypsy and if...
  4. R

    What do you think of this weed?

    Guys dont make fun of me XD I meant what kind of weed, I know it's weed lool
  5. R

    What do you think of this weed?

    Well I mostly get it for 5 euros for 1.5g, cause dont rly get the quarter system you use there, I live in Greece.
  6. R

    What do you think of this weed?

    What does mids mean ? thanks for sharing opinion btw
  7. R

    What do you think of this weed?

    Well I have been buying from gypsies here lol but they gave me this kind of weed today which looked okay, but what do you guys think about it, I havent smoked it yet. Judging from it's look what do you think it is and what quality it is?
  8. R

    Growing equipment e-shop?

    Is there any online shop which ships internationally which sells cheap equipment for indoor growing, all kinds of lights, air filtering etc...
  9. R


    Thanks for everything guys.Even thought it was my first grow and it started from a seed from black market weed, I had a bond with it.
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    R.I.P, destroyed it, but thanks anyways, I am going to learn from mistakes during growing for 1st time and I will proceed to next grow, with less mistakes. :D
  11. R


    My brother, got pissed with my weed plant and he cut it off, it seems it has lost it's roots, I placed it back to its pot and took it out of light and added water for humidity but I am not sure yet, I panicked and I have no idea what to do. Only the stem was left but I heard it's possible to...
  12. R

    Confused and worried.

    Thanks for everything guys. By the way what about those above bottom leaves, that one leaf seems unhealthy, is it normal for it? Should it drop off soon?
  13. R

    Confused and worried.

    I dont use lights, I use sunlight on my balcony.
  14. R

    Confused and worried.

    Already got the big pot ready for use, but looking around the garden for proper soil.
  15. R

    Confused and worried.

    Well, it's been since around early April since I planted this male/female ( hope it turns out it's female ) and no problems occured, while now this strange things has happened and I am worried. First of all these guys popped out next to my plant and I have no idea what they are. (Sorry for bad...
  16. R

    Whats your favorite munchies meal?

    Oh yeah! Baby!
  17. R

    How high do you get?

    Once per week we gather our PCs me and my friends to another friend's house, we're three, we get enought weed for three-four joints to smoke them all in once, each one rolls his own joint and we light them up together and pass it to another so the other one can see how good each one rolls. Each...
  18. R

    Need some answers, please.

    Thanks, I really need to plant one proper weed strain, because what we're buying here in Athens is mostly Albanian/Gypsy origin which SUCKS, I'm looking on websites that sell seeds of various strains which would never set a foot on Greece and I am looking like a hungry dog who looks at his owner...
  19. R

    Best Movie To Watch While High!

    Half baked, no doubt my favourite one while high. Fear and loathing is Las Vegas is pretty trippy too.
  20. R

    Need some answers, please.

    So, one 400 watt MH bulb, 24/7 on and one 400 watt HPS bulb, 12 hours on. Is that correct? By the way if it's not a problem can you tell me the minimum watts for one plant? Thanks a lot.