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  1. S

    1st time growing help please.

    No dont add co2 because you have a fresh air intake so no need for c02 because you are adding c02 to the grow area with the intake already. Also stick with the hps light instead of mh light. flowering plants use more of the hps spectrum instead of the mh blue spectrum
  2. S

    How Much Can I Expect To Yield ??White Widow 30 days left Until Harvest??

    Dude your not even in the flowing stage....... 18/6 is veg lighting schedule. Its the same as having the light on 24/7. You need to turn the light off for 12 hours. then you have 60 days or how ever long the strain calls for (usually around 60 days)
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    1st time growing help please.

    I agree with southerner they look good. You should deaf look into some topping techniques for better yields. But the leaves are going to do that. Just pick it off. You might wanna look into something to cut down your humidity. It may creat bud mold later in budding.
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    NEWBIES NEED HELP? smokinHerbOnDaCurb has all ansers!!!!!

    what do you prefer to use? Hydroponic bucket systems or ebb and flow tables
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    NEWBIES NEED HELP? smokinHerbOnDaCurb has all ansers!!!!!

    I have a question for ya? I am just starting a new grow in a flood table. (first time) what should the moister content of my rockwool cube be before I flood the table againbongsmiliethankx for the help smoke up.
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    Lemon G?

    you didn't get the real lemon g if u got the seeds from a bag u can only get lemon g in a clone and I have had it for the last five years it has a very addicting buzzand it does wonderful on a flood table any questions
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    Hydroponics Question and Answer NewGrowth Style

    I have a question for you I am setting up a flood table and I'm going to grow white widow and kc 33 what type of medium is the best to use
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    Need an expert opinion fast

    my guess would be you under watered them try taking the pot off from around the soil and see if the soil is moist all the way through
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    people who smoke pot dont know anything about pot!

    I think that its bound to happen when there are so many people that smoke some are dumb some are average and then you have the people who want to know everything they can about it so they can grow and expand there views and knowledge on strains growing methods and so on
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    I have a couple of questions I want to go with organic fertilizers but I am going to use a flood and drain set up(first time using this set up) does anyone know a good company to use