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    Best possible thing for your plants.

    all you need is Love

    Will a Closet Grow Make my Clothes Stink?

    I have to agree with juicycola420mon. Get anything out of there that u do not need to grow with. The dust, lint from the clothes will get all in the bud and you could get bugs. Hemp 4 victory

    Leaf hash????

    Try the butain method. Works great.

    Survey how many people on here smoke their harvest?

    I only grow for personal use and for my friend. Sell it for what. Money. That won't make you happy. There is nothing like home grown bud, dryed and cured (try some calio 4 month cure). Money can not buy that. I know what I am smoking! When I harvest the two dog plant everybody smokes for free...

    buds breaking/popping open?

    Use the butain method to make honey. You should get some thc out of it.

    Who say's you can't clone during flowering? (w/pics)

    you can take clones during flowering. I have done it and the baby girls were fine. I only took 2 off because my other clone from vegie died and I needed to save the romulan strain. From the 2 I took made them mothers, gave one away and passed around lots of clones free. The people that grew them...

    How To Pass a Urine Test 100%?

    Hi I got some stuff from GNC. The guy said it was the best. That said I failed the piss test and was fired from my job (only a part time one) Not my full time job(no pee test there). I think I failed because I smoke alot.

    Help in PA

    Hi I was looking to get involved in trying to have PA change the laws on the use of cannabis. I write letters, email, but I feel so alone. Are there people that feel the same way I do that live in PA. What can I do. I am just one voice. PA needs the power of the people. How can we start a wave...

    Stupid clones..,.

    clones are very easy. You are making to much of it. Rockwool works well. The jiffy pod things suck. Clip your clone put some rooting gel stick it in the rockwool. Now go to the Wawa or 7-11 get your self a 32 oz soda cup (plastic) poke some holes in the bottom put it over your clone(you just...

    Canna Oil? Please Help

    Hi I would like some Suggestions on making canna oil and consuming canna oil. These are a few of my concerns. Thanks everybody have a great day:leaf: Type of oil to use and can I use hemp oil Can you take the oil orally by the tsp What is the the best mix oz of oil to cannbus Should the...

    need some opinions... pics

    The temp is good around 74-78

    need some opinions... pics

    ditch the co2 bottle it is a waste of time for your grow. Get your self a hps light or make a strip with more cfs. You need more lumens. Try fox farm fert. Peters is ok. Something organic would be better. Let the girls dry out more between waters. They will let you know when they need a drink...

    Quick Question...

    Sure you can do that. Then this way when you grow that strain you will know when to harvest depending on the high you like. keep on keeping on

    FOX FARM 100% Organic

    Hi I eat organic foods and I eat about 5 lbs of hemp seeds a month and about 1 gallon of hemp milk for 1 year now and I never felt better in my life. If you are growing yourself and not going organic you should just buy it off the street. Why would you want to grow with chems and smoke it. You...

    Growing Tobacco

    Hi has anyone ever grew tobacco? Is it legal? :joint: I would like to grow 10 to 15 plants I live in PA. Any help please.

    Whats up with this bud?

    smoke it up. It looks great

    Concealing the smell of weed

    Carbon filter will do the trick

    EVERY ONE on ROLL IT UP ....

    Do sog or scrog. with scrog and 16 girls with a 3x3 each or 2 per 3x3 screen and yeild just about 75 to 100 grams per girl. Just about 4lb a month if you keep it going

    Next in line --------------------HARVEST PICS POSTED-------------------

    hi fdd2blk did you grow them sog? Your girls look great. Keep up the gods work

    im stuck

    400 WATT HPS is good for both veg and flower. You will need some type of air movement (fan, blower ect) organic soil fox farm ocean point is the name I think. fox farm big bloom, grow big and tiger bloom food. loup to look at tricombs, carbon filter for the smell, ph tester, distilled water for...