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  1. B

    Barney's sweet tooth auto any info?

    3 seeds germinated. All three are totally different sizes, one is already twice as tall as the others. It is like small medium and large. Hydro Superlocker 3.0 grow. The large one, is so tall already at 5 weeks, going into week 6, It is already past the LED light, and I have almost no...
  2. B

    I just started my first grow......ruined 2 20 dollar seeds already. Would not sprout, look...

    I just started my first grow......ruined 2 20 dollar seeds already. Would not sprout, look rotted to me. Did I waste my money on the LED superlocker? Any suggestions before I move the ones that did sprout?
  3. B

    The SuperCloset is Super!! Super Review - Deluxe 2.0.

    I just got this cab too. seeds sprouted I am 7 days in.