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  1. M

    Week 9 Flowering...are they ready??

    Looking good and probably could pull now, but i dont think a few more days will hurt,
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    Where are you Growing Indoors?

    Had 2 in the closet,It just got so dam big. Way too big & had nowhere else to put it. Ended up smoking about a pound of shit leaf for the next 2 months, Cheers,
  3. M

    600 watt small grow

    so your just using one 600 watt for all this ? Can you give a little more detail about your setup,nutes,etc. Looks amzing, Cheers
  4. M

    30ml of 3% hydrogen peroxcide per gallon of water?

    what about peroxide for hydro systems , can it be used?
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    How Do Cops Detect Your Setup?

    Maybe in the states things are a little different & the police really do have bigger fish to fry. But here in Australia the cops get 10 plants & Label it a sophisticated drug syndicate and its all over the news and papers. Another thing,im certain here in oz the police can come right into your...
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    stop lying

    Rofl i agree,Posting other peoples plants & taking credit is pretty pissweak ha ha ha.close but no cigar :))
  7. M

    Aerogarden Grow Journal

    Cool man,i will be sure to keep following this journal. So You Can grow more in a bubble-ponics system ? Even if you get a bit less, these systems are so easily transported & less hassle. Even to start clones etc these things are great i think. Great Work, Cheers,
  8. M

    Aerogarden Grow Journal

    Ok so how much are you hoping to pull from the neat little setup ? Cheers,
  9. M

    Ok Guys,Howard Marks is a Legend & Was/Is the biggest Dope dealer in the World. If this sites for real then look nowhere else for Your Seeds. Some Strains are Expensive however. The Official Website of Howard Marks, aka Mr. Nice Any feedback would be much Appreciated. Cheers,
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    Thanks very much Spike
  11. M

    Anybody tried this place ? Cannabis Seeds Feminized & Marijuana Seeds Feminised Cheap
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    22.6 % thc !!!!

    So who would suggest to buy from if You dont mind Me asking ? Cheers.
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    Getting Busted InAustralia

    Hey Guys, Is anybody familiar with the laws in australia in regards to getting busted growing indoors ?? I have heard of people losing their homes,kids, etc. This would be really bad. what kind of quantity would one have to be caught with for this kind of thing to happen ? Cheers
  14. M

    Shielding from infared

    Top advice,Cheers. So how are 99% of people caught ? Is it from opening their mouths etc ? So basically if your growing 20-50 plants inside its ok if you keep quiet? My mates used to run three 600 watters on 50 plants and the bill was around $400 every 3 months in Victoria. They didnt have any...
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    Aussie Black Wattle (DMT)

    Hey there Guys. Has anybody tried Black Wattle leaf ? I smoked a combination of Wattle leaf,mullein & passiflora. You can buy for about $60 per bottle from herb stores here in australia. black wattle is from the accacia plant which contains a small percentage of dmt. Well 2 small pipes was...
  16. M

    Just Ordered From Attitude SeedBank!!AFGHANKUSH/WHITEWIDOW/G13HAZE

    I heard scientists recently found some seeds over 3000 years old & they grew them no problem. Yeah,i laughed when i heard it too loool. Im flat out tryint to get some 2 yr old seeds sprouting hehehe but apparently its for real. Cheers,
  17. M

    Anyone get seeds into Australia?

    Hi guys, are there any other reliable company out there to get seeds into Oz ? or should i just stick with the usual group like nirvana,hgs,joeyweed ,etc.s Cheers :hump:
  18. M

    Germination Problem

    Hey Guys,Thanks for all the help. Yes i think your must be the light killing them ? everything goes fine until i introduce them to light. so next time should i remove the seeds from the wool and just cover lightly with soil ? or be better to leave in wool ? Cheers :clap:
  19. M

    Germination Problem

    Hi Guys, tnis question probably been asked a million times already loool. But Can somebody please help with this frustrating problem ? I soak my seeds in water etc until they crack. then i put into cotton wool until the little shoot appears about 3-5 mm. but i can never get past this point...