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  1. Naaa

    10 x 600w HPS - Expected Yield?

    Thanks for all the replies folks. We started flowering 10 days ago and they have gotten huge! The guy has just been sentenced to 6 months in prison for some previous grow that was raided.. So he is out of the question now. Trying to do this my self....... I am really hoping for 0.4g per watt...
  2. Naaa

    10 x 600w HPS - Expected Yield?

    Bumping for further answers.
  3. Naaa

    10 x 600w HPS - Expected Yield?

    If you veg for 4 weeks - and I veg for 8 weeks... You still won't complete the cycle in half the time of me though? Or so I thought... Anyway - Seems like 1lb (450g) per 600w seems viable... So 4.5kg ( Hypothetical value circa £25,000 in my locale )
  4. Naaa

    10 x 600w HPS - Expected Yield?

    So that estimate puts it at 3.41oz per plant - Which would be almost acceptable financially - I don't understand the entire situation online vs real life... As, everybody locally (with no perceived bullshit) are claiming 4oz absolute minimum per plant - and that's with 4 plants under a 400w...
  5. Naaa

    10 x 600w HPS - Expected Yield?

    Hello, Long time reader, first time poster here. I am aware that there is no straight forward answer to this and any estimates are purely that, just estimates. Below are images of the set-up (digital images, not photographs - For security reasons). Imagine the lights on the ceiling are 600w...