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  1. B


    Haha lol. It takes out chlorine and sediment and some other things I guess. But I learned that Sodium and chlorine make table salt. So I'm feeding my plants table salt at the moment I guess. Obviously not good. My water isn't as bad as some well water so I'm thinking this will help. And no waste...
  2. B


    I meant with the air keeping the buckets full of water while adding air basically going to deep water culture.I've actually had a similar problem in the past and that's what I did and it actually solved the problem. I think it's a buildup of salts. I bought a small boy today we'll see what that...
  3. B


    I run a 12 site ebb and flow bucket system. All plants get the same nutrients. I have a clone machine that sprays water at the roots as they dangle. I run expanded clay pellets in the 12 site system. So the problem seems to be when I transplant from the clone machine and they are thriving, like...
  4. B

    what's the best nutrients to grow indoor with?

    I agree. I started with that. Then i got interested in nutrients that ph balance themselves and that led me to advanced nutrients and now I'm trying this line. But you definitely don't need to spend all that money to get great results.
  5. B

    what's the best nutrients to grow indoor with?

    I use heavy 16. What do you want to know?I'm having great luck with it so far. Although it is expensive you don't have to use nearly so much. The bottles are concentrated so a little goes a long way. I started with veg a and b with prime. I just bought roots and I saw a noticable difference 24...
  6. B

    Heavy 16 do I need to ph?

    Hey! I use heavy 16 and I have the answer! You have to ph if you only use the base line(veg A and B). If you have the Prime then you don't ph. The prime is the ph adjuster.