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  1. Bhookus

    DiY LEDs - How to Power Them

    I already have those drivers. I goofed up my math on my build, so I have room to use up. Thanks for the info. The 4in1 is what I was looking at. I thought I could adjust down, but needed a little confirmation. I
  2. Bhookus

    DiY LEDs - How to Power Them

    I was looking at rapidled and they have the semiled total uv. Anybody have any experience with these? It states a max of 1000mA, is this a hard cap or could they run @1050mA?
  3. Bhookus

    DiY LEDs - How to Power Them

    I'm an salty dog from the aquarium industry. I have a ton of actinic flourescent kicking around. Should I fire up some of those on this run until I can get some added to led panels?
  4. Bhookus

    DiY LEDs - How to Power Them

    My bad- 3 panels of 8 cobs each over 12ft by 3.5ft The light mover is moving each panel about >30". It's got great coverage, no dark spots, just a solid path of light. All the shadows moving around opening up the canopy. Please excuse my ignorance - who/what is sgs? Does the extra red improve...
  5. Bhookus

    DiY LEDs - How to Power Them

    Yeah, it was awhile ago. As far as the space, it's 3 panels over 12'x40" on a light mover. I see my mistake after looking at supras spreadsheet. But it looks like other people's setups shouldn't work either. I must be missing something, I'll get back at it and see if I can find another mistake...
  6. Bhookus

    DiY LEDs - How to Power Them

    Just to complicate my mess- Should I use up any extra volts to add some UV or additional red?
  7. Bhookus

    DiY LEDs - How to Power Them

    I've built a modified version of @REALSTYLES 8 cob on a 10"x24" heatsink. It consists of 4x cxa3070 3k and 4x cxa3590 5k. I have 3x MW hlg-185h-c1050a drivers. I need to order 3 more. The drivers are running the 3070s fine and as stated in the previous post won't run the 4x 3590s. Where is the...
  8. Bhookus

    DiY LEDs - How to Power Them

    Why only 3 cxa or 4 Cxb? Using @robincnn math - vf~35v x 4= 140v Hlg-185g-c1050a 95v-190v 4cxa won't light, 3 will but no dimming, and 2 will with dimming. What's going on?
  9. Bhookus

    Aquaponics- the Dream build.

    Thanks buzz that's helpful
  10. Bhookus

    Aquaponics- the Dream build.

    I've got a TDS meter.
  11. Bhookus

    Aquaponics- the Dream build.

    I didn't have faith in the cheapo soil kit. I guess I'm not understanding an ec meter. Don't they just check total ions in the water. Won't an ap system have too many extra ions to get a worthwhile reading? How do you determine just potassium level? Are you mixing a stock solution and using the...
  12. Bhookus

    Aquaponics- the Dream build.

    I like those bathtubs! I have been planning on using them as well.
  13. Bhookus

    Aquaponics- the Dream build.

    Thanks buzz. A tsp per gallon. I just dosed 1tsp/50g based on a planted aquarium site. I understand its hard to overdose. That was suggested twice a week. Any thoughts on using rapitest soil test kit to check the level? Or is there a test kit anyone would suggest for potassium?
  14. Bhookus

    Aquaponics- the Dream build.

    I just picked up some potassium sulfate. I think it may be 0-0-50, I'll have to double check. How did you mix it up for your foliar spray?
  15. Bhookus

    Aquaponics- the Dream build.

    I'm building my system around two major parameters for cannabis. PH at 6.2 and temp at 68'F. That said I just picked up 10 silver dollar sized red pacu and will be adding crystal red shrimp to a separate area in the system. I wanted to grow tiger prawn, tilapia and pot outta one system. I've...
  16. Bhookus

    Aquaponics- the Dream build.

    My Hanna just went wacky today. I'll have to dig up some calibration solution.
  17. Bhookus

    I've already received everything but drivers. (3) 10x24 heatsinks from Heatsinkusa. Based off...

    I've already received everything but drivers. (3) 10x24 heatsinks from Heatsinkusa. Based off Realstyles 6th build. I know he's running 700mA but I think I want a little more power.
  18. Bhookus

    You mean (4) 3590 36v would work? What do you think of HLG-185H-C1050a? Would these run (4) 3070...

    You mean (4) 3590 36v would work? What do you think of HLG-185H-C1050a? Would these run (4) 3070 or (4)3590 36v? I am lighting a 12'x40" Scrog with (3) units of (4)3070 and (4)3590 36v on a light mover. I think I want to push them harder than 700mA. Someone suggested that (8)@1400mA might be...
  19. Bhookus

    Aquaponics- the Dream build.

    I was at the hydro store yesterday and they were saying it seemed the better the probe the more often it needs calibration. I'll have to check mine.