Search results

  1. Annieharp

    Is it wrong for a Christian to Smoke Weed.

    To be in Jamaica and see a Rastafarian, hands held high, looking up at the 8 ft tall plants, praying for the Lord to bless his garden, is truly a blessed experience. Yes, Christians can smoke ganja.
  2. Annieharp

    Quotes You Heard While Baked that Blew Your Mind

    Naboo: Where's my frog? Bollo: You smoked it last night. Naboo: Oh yeah.
  3. Annieharp

    California Growers Tread

    Southern Cali, Northern Cali, Central Cali or all of the above?
  4. Annieharp

    Growing Pains

    85 miles away from San Bernardino mountains. :peace:
  5. Annieharp

    Growing Pains

  6. Annieharp

    Help With a Book for my Son? Seeking speaker of Kiddy-ese.

    Write, write and write some more! Some day your son will feel blessed you took the time and love to do this. As you write, you may want to pull out little gems (poems, picture books, chap books) from time to time as they apply to his development and understanding.
  7. Annieharp

    From the Sketchbook.

    Nice work
  8. Annieharp

    Creative block, any ideas?

    At the risk of being cliche, it's the process, not the product. Just let those creative juices flow, and see where it takes you. You don't have to know ahead of time where it's going. Just commit to creating everyday. Pretty soon you will soar.
  9. Annieharp

    Growing Pains

    Nice clones :rolleyes:
  10. Annieharp

    Growing Pains
