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  1. willstown

    See How The Government Is Spending Our Money

    They call us anti-Semites and try to act like we're against all Jews. This couldn't be further from the truth. There are many millions of Jews around the world who oppose Zionism, and who believe that Jews are not supposed to return to the Holy Land until the Messiah comes and leads them there...
  2. willstown

    See How The Government Is Spending Our Money

    Listmann, why do you feel that the place you live is "yours"? After all, weren't there some natives living there for thousands of years, before your people came along? What happened to those people? If some people from across the world suddenly moved into your neighborhood in vast numbers and...
  3. willstown

    Guerrilla Guide

    No, you really don't, depending on where you live. In Alabama it is not at all unusual to see a person walking off into the woods, and people aren't the sort to flag you down and start asking you a bunch of questions. Plus we don't have nearly as many growers here, so the first thing that pops...
  4. willstown

    Guerrilla Guide

    I disagree. It probably depends a lot on where you live. In Alabama, I would much prefer to be on private land, which is not attached to someone's house, and which has limited parking so it's obvious in advance if someone else is there....preferably owned by someone who lives in another county...
  5. willstown

    Guerrilla Guide

    Use a small plastic cup to cover the seedling in its infancy, then remove when it's big enough. Works great, reportedly; haven't tried it myself.
  6. willstown

    Guerrilla Guide

    "Gorilla growing is the absolute antithesis civil disobedience." I agree. It's more like obedience to God. "That being said, I understand the need for it without question." If something is needed, then by definition it isn't wrong, is it? I don't think "without question" means what you seem...
  7. willstown

    See How The Government Is Spending Our Money

    Voting doesn't work folks.....sorry to inform you. Pull that lever all you like, and the system does not change. Seriously....what good is voting, when the candidates are pre-selected by the forces of evil, and the voting machines are owned and operated by the same folks? You want real change...
  8. willstown

    MD's Breeding Universe

    No disrespect intended MD. It was just sad cause the thread was off to such a good start and then it went completely off the deep end. That's probably why there aren't as many replies as there should be. I agree with the senile fungus....maybe start a new thread and link to this one? Just so...
  9. willstown

    MD's Breeding Universe

    Why did someone apparently delete all the other posts from this thread, but didn't also delete your psychotic breakdown above..? Seriously're really just gonna keep right on updating this thread after a crowd of skeletons just ran screaming out of your closet like that? I don't even...
  10. willstown

    The weirdest thing I've encountered

    It's nothing dude....chill bro...your plant will be fine. One does see some really odd mutations from time to time, but generally they're harmless.
  11. willstown

    vertical tree grow bare bulb questions

    Whichever week new pistols stop forming. During early flower, say the first 3-4 weeks, is when the rotation is going to be critical to ensure everything develops evenly. After that, on an indica dominant plant where the basic shape and size of the nugs is pretty much set, it's not nearly as...
  12. willstown

    vertical tree grow bare bulb questions

    Lara, I have been growing vertically for many years with great success. Here is some advice which you may find useful. First off, I never use a "bare bulb." In any properly done vertical grow, there is always some kind of reflector involved; at least one flat reflector directly above the bulb...