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  1. pope creek

    folier spraying?

    I have a lockout situation. Trying to bypass roots. Stay tuned...
  2. pope creek

    folier spraying?

    I want to fight a magnesium deficiency with a Epsom (1tsp p/g) spray. How often should I apply it?
  3. pope creek

    looking to build a worm bin

    So elegant. In my mind my worm bin will be the Ritz of worm bins. Comfy, safe and luxurious. The menu will be stellar. Nothing but the best for my little wiggly slaves.
  4. pope creek

    looking to build a worm bin

    Grease monkey, Cool your night crawlers do well. I was planning to start my colony with captures. I have an old ply wood tea chest I thought I might repurpose. Build a couple of levels into it and a tray style draw at the bottom to harvest from. Strange how organic gardeners are more like...
  5. pope creek

    looking to build a worm bin

    Richard, Great post! I'm going to try to build my own out of scrap wood. Seems like the main thing is to keep it aerated and drained. I want a design that allows me to harvest castings without having to sift too much for worms. Maybe baby mesh chicken wire for a false bottom and a tray that...
  6. pope creek

    looking to build a worm bin

    Curious about best ways to collect worms, if there are types to prize and types to avoid and how many one needs to start a small box? Also wonder about relationship between worm bin and compost pile. Which gets table scraps? Speaking of table scraps, how fatal is it if a little meat or dairy end...
  7. pope creek

    Organic in Napa

    Feel free to comment, folks.
  8. pope creek

    Organic in Napa

    So it turns out I have a bit of a magnesium deficiency. Most likely caused by the hard well water we have here. Trying to fix with folier Epsom salt. Otherwise all is well. Biggest plant topping 8'. Buds forming nicely.
  9. pope creek

    leaf drop city

    Pretty sure it's the well water. Grow is too big at this point to buy or bring water in, except I plan to make an extreme effort to make sure at least half my water comes from the creek. It will require carrying plenty of jugs and be a right pain. Still it might help a little. Also folier feed...
  10. pope creek

    property room police seized lights

    Gotta be kidding.
  11. pope creek

    Choosing a Medium

    Organic is superior in every way except, on occasion, practicality. Chem ferts fuck up plants (in the long run) and the planet. They do work though. And for a novice growing indoors may be the safest bet for bringing in a first harvest.
  12. pope creek

    Choosing a Medium

    The guy that started this thread doesn't care, so not sure why I do. It's fun to discuss and learn from each other but if we don't listen it's pointless.
  13. pope creek

    Choosing a Medium

    Chill out , This is a misunderstanding. On your part.
  14. pope creek

    Choosing a Medium

    Not trying to start anything but you are missing the point that I suggested growing in rock wool.
  15. pope creek

    Choosing a Medium

    It's so ironic that I'm advocating nasty Chemical grow . I wouldn't do it in a million years, myself. I am committed to organic both philosophically and practically but the bloke asked, as a newbie, for a simple plan. That's what I offered, based on my own experience. I grew a lot of top shelf...
  16. pope creek

    Choosing a Medium

    As for using an even simpler "1-1-1" fertilizer. It's a little too simple. Plants need more of one thing than another at different times of their development. In a soil-less medium you would probably have too much P & K in veg and too much N in bud. Just my opinion.
  17. pope creek

    Choosing a Medium

    Don't think Foliage Pro is organic but no matter. My point was, If you use heavy chemical fertilizers in a soil-less grow you have to flush if you don't want to taste it . Pretty sure that's a well known fact.
  18. pope creek

    Choosing a Medium

    You only need flush if you are using chemical ferts. 3 part systems work well in an inert medium, if you follow the directions. But you do have to flush. It may not be optimum but it's efficient, easy and produces good results. If you grow in soil indoors you may get a better grow but you...
  19. pope creek

    bio char I posted a thread in the infirmary. Would love your opinion.
  20. pope creek

    Choosing a Medium

    Of course you really ought to grow outside organically. :D:D