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  1. Bumnog

    For my 3ft tent I've got a 90cfm 4'' Ventech inline duct fan for intake in one of the side...

    For my 3ft tent I've got a 90cfm 4'' Ventech inline duct fan for intake in one of the side sleeves, and a Tjernlund 200cfm blower for exhaust coming out the top sleeve of the tent; on a fan controller. Also the 3 vents are open at the bottom of the tent. If your tent is larger, you'll need...
  2. Bumnog

    Day 4 of my first MJ plant.

    Like from your room's central air system to your grow tent? I've never heard of anyone doing that before, but that doesn't mean it hasn't/can't been done.. There's always a way to get better ventilation for your tent, it just depends on the layout of your setup and how much you wanna spend...
  3. Bumnog

    Mars hydro 300 watt yield

    The main Mars hydro seller on eBay also sells a 340w led light that goes by different names (search 340w led grow light or something)... I used that 340w for the whole veg stage of my 4 plants in 3ft tent and it worked beautifully, the plants loved it. You'll probably still want to get an actual...
  4. Bumnog

    Day 4 of my first MJ plant.

    Do you have a blower for exhaust on your tent? When I first used a tent I thought I'd be fine with regular duct fans, but was not. Really need an actual blower to exhaust that warm air. You want your temps in the mid to high 70's for the most part, can gradually go as high as 80-82 when they're...
  5. Bumnog

    Bedroom Grower! (noob project)

    They're not getting enough light, lookin stretched thin. I wouldn't move em back and forth between the two lighting sources man, might cause em to hermie or something. If you can, just leave em in that greenhouse. If not then keep them inside under a lighting schedule. Cheers and happy...
  6. Bumnog

    Bottom leaves going yellow please help

    How long has she been flowering? It doesn't look like very long... but it is a normal part of the flowering stage for the bottom leaves to turn yellow and fall off. The plant redirects the energy to budding.
  7. Bumnog

    Weed as gifts for family?

    Yeah I don't have that much contact with my family, and I'm pretty sure they wouldn't feel comfortable asking me. Giving it to them could open doors there yeah? Doors to getting stoned with family... Ugh wait, nvm I'm starting to think this could be terribad.
  8. Bumnog

    Weed as gifts for family?

    You might be right man. Though most of my gifts to fam have probably been cheap/thoughtless. Idk, I could definitely see it going either way. They might think it's cool, or they might think I'm just being a douchebag.
  9. Bumnog

    17 days in from germination!

    They're still in the middle of flowering bro, I'll let ya know how it turns out. They look and smell great so far!
  10. Bumnog

    Weed as gifts for family?

    Hey guys, just wanted some opinions on this. Preface: recreational use is legal here. I never know what to get family members for Christmas and birthdays etc. I usually end up giving lame ass gift cards... So I was thinking since its legal now, why not pot this year? My aunt and uncle are...
  11. Bumnog

    17 days in from germination!

    What your soil like? May not need to add nutes just yet. Less is more with autos, use less nutes than you normally would. I alternate feedings with waterings, it's easy to overdue it with nutes. My white widow autos showed sex around 3 weeks, maybe 3.5. Reckon you'll start to see those lady...
  12. Bumnog

    Seeds have cracked open, but the roots not growing??

    After soaking em in water for a day, I just put seeds directly into the dirt. If they've got their taproot, they're ready for the soil man.
  13. Bumnog

    Flower day 22!

    I want to crawl in there and sleep on the floor.
  14. Bumnog

    Bottom leaves going yellow please help

    What he said^
  15. Bumnog

    Flower day 22!

  16. Bumnog

    Day 4 of my first MJ plant.

    Lookin good man, happy growing!
  17. Bumnog

    Bubble cloning with WELL WATER

    I grew some plants in dwc with well water when I lived back east. Had to replace air stones more often, but otherwise was fine.
  18. Bumnog

    The dreaded apartment inspection

    Yeah they don't look in closests man, they just check smoke detectors and shit. You said your papers are in order and lease doesn't mention it? Sounds fine to me. I'll be facing a similar situation here in Oregon during next inspection, not planning to even move my tent. Smoke up
  19. Bumnog

    My first grow!!

    I would think it'd all be relative to the size of the plant yeah? Lol now I'm gonna be all stoned like measuring pistils and whatnot.