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  1. equatorial Farmer

    Outdoor Grow Kenya Journal

    I planted 9 seeds last week (4 days ago). On sunday i noticed one of the freshly sprouted seedlings had the head snapoed off. Obviously i was annoyed. But decided to take the one leafed top and razor the tip and put in rooting powder, aloe vera and manuka honey. I then wrapped what was left of...
  2. equatorial Farmer

    Outdoor Grow Kenya Journal

    Thanks Bict No moved here a few years ago. Yep human rights isnt greay but amazing life style. Lots of land and great beaches and Kenyans are great. Nairobi has great weather-never too hot and never too cold. Just pleasant all year. But does rain hard when it rains. Kenyan red soil is amazing...
  3. equatorial Farmer

    Outdoor Grow Kenya Journal

    Hi all. Sorry slight delay. Super busy. The plants are at 7 weeks since germination. So this is what has been happening. My plant never made it to my farm. They have remained at my house, although i have no major risk. I live in 100 acre sanctuary. The weather has been too up and down foe...
  4. equatorial Farmer

    Outdoor Grow Kenya Journal

    Hi Guys sorry, been so busy, with various work and travel commitments. will post an update tomorrow :)
  5. equatorial Farmer

    Unconventional Organics

    the joys of living in Africa. i avoid the carnivore manure more likely to get toxins
  6. equatorial Farmer

    Unconventional Organics

    My main soil fertilizer is warthog and giraffe shit. Mixed in with red soil. I use Neem oil for getting rid of bugs in the soil and have used apple cider vinegar diluted when dealing with a little mold at seedling stage, due to too much watering.
  7. equatorial Farmer

    Outdoor Grow Kenya Journal

    Quick up date on day 9. A couple of mini dramas. The wipeout express seed was a dud, and never grew. The Auto moscow seed has initially grown but does not look all that healthy. Another drama: Last evening went to the cinema to watch Creed (great movie) but whilst in the cinema there was a...
  8. equatorial Farmer

    Growing in the Equator, latitude -1.27 in' perfect 12/12

    All though a very old post, a comment. The Kenyan based Sativa Landracers are well known to produce hermaphrodites, thats why when you buy weed here you often find seeds in the mix. Due to this fact; i have elected to go with seed bank seeds, a mix of Indica and Sativa, with a good percentage of...
  9. equatorial Farmer

    Welcome New Members! Read this before posting!

    Thanks man, although growing seeds from Europe. The Kenyan 100% Sativia Landracers can be a bit hit or miss. Easy and cheap to get though :blsmoke:
  10. equatorial Farmer

    Welcome New Members! Read this before posting!

    Hey Everyone New to the group. Originally from the UK now living in Kenya. Learning a lot from this site and everybody already. Thanks
  11. equatorial Farmer

    Outdoor Grow Kenya Journal

    Hi Guys I am new to this group, but thought I would go ahead and and start a thread on my growth journal, for my planting. This is the first outside planting I have done, and the first growing i have done in nearly a decade (last time was indoor in UK). Intro: So being in Kenya I am pretty...