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  1. M

    How to Purge Ethanol from Cannabis Oil

    How to Purge Ethanol from Cannabis Oil Using the CAT Scientific MCS78 Hotplate Stirrer Note: This process works for both winterized product and for an Ethanol extraction. In the following example, total volume of Ethanol-cannabis oil, 400ml. The first step in the process of purging Ethanol...
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    Cannabinoid Carboxylic Acidcs THCA & CBDA: Their Potential Functions & Applications

    CANNABINOID CARBOXYLIC ACIDS THCA AND CBDA: THEIR POTENTIAL FUNCTIONS, APPLICATIONS, AND METHODS OF EXTRACTION Introduction to a cold extraction method that preserves carboxylic acid form of cannabinoids THC and CBD By Kate Welch, Pharm. D & CAT Scientific The cannabinoids THCA and CBDA...
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    Emulsifying Vegetable Glycerin and BHO for E-juice

    For those of you who’ve tried to mix vegetable glycerin and BHO for an e-juice or tincture know they don’t easily blend and separate quite rapidly. Whether you’re a large possessor or small, we at CAT Scientific have a method where the process can be completed in about two hours or less without...