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  1. Misterfourtwenty970

    Good morning Fellas/Gals

    Good morning Fellas/Gals
  2. Misterfourtwenty970


    I'm having a similar issue any one can help me out? Thanks Guys I'm thinking it's Nitrogen Toxicity, due to the fact leaves are Dark green, and my growth has slowed down very much, She's been grown in Organic Soil, and I recently like 3 weeks ago started giving her Nutes from General Organics, I...
  3. Misterfourtwenty970

    New grower needs box ventilation help

    Yea that makes total sense what your saying, ima move the other extract fan to a higher possition in the tent and close that Hile offf, Thanks so much I been breaking my head on why I can't extract or intake cool/hot air, but u guys decoded it for me lol, biggie errors u knoe how that goes
  4. Misterfourtwenty970

    New grower needs box ventilation help

    so should I make the Intake Hile ager than 8 inchs? I do have 2x6 inch fans extracting air from 8x8x8 tent, one is located at light level and the other exhaust is some what around the Intake level but oposiTe sides of tent....?
  5. Misterfourtwenty970

    New grower needs box ventilation help

    Thanks Guys, I also have a 8000 btu Portable AC out side the 8x8x8 tent, the room is only 64 square feet total, so I'm using that ac to kool the room temp. and then from there cool air get sucked in to tent with Te negative pressure of tent exhaust, the lights don't have cool tunes there the...
  6. Misterfourtwenty970

    New grower needs box ventilation help

    I have a question, I have a 8x8x8 tent I built wit 2-6 inch exhaust fans suckling hot air out Te window, and a 8 inch hole cut out the tent on the opposite side of tent near Te bottom, would that be a correct ventilation? Also have 2 600w hps lights in the tent aswell...need help thank you