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  1. L

    Harvest a Pound Every Three Weeks!

    I am sure you already checked this but no hurt in throwing out someting that may have been overlooked. make sure there isn't a switch on your timer somewhere that activates a photo cell. If there is make sure it is set for both day/night or light/dark cycles. From what you said and the looks of...
  2. L

    Harvest a Pound Every Three Weeks!

    Can i ask how you plan on overcoming the height issue unless of course this is a non issue for you?
  3. L

    Harvest a Pound Every Three Weeks!

    Its been a few days since i have been on the board and noticed you guys talking about the "Green Shed" (Running on marine battery and solar panels). Not sure if it would work although i dont see why it wouldn't, why dont you just use some power converters? The one that changes the current from...
  4. L

    Ice Cooled Lines...

    This would definitely work but its harder to control and maintain a temp range and doesnt last as long.
  5. L

    Ice Cooled Lines...

    Dude you want to do what a few people said to. Its basically what you are talking about which is running air lines from your air pump through something cold and then into your res. If you want to keep it very simple first start by saving a few milk jugs to fill with water and freeze then go to...
  6. L

    Going from dirt to aero "Harvesting a nickle bag every so often"

    I amy be wrong but from what i can see in the picture you have a double pole contactor in that box? If so here is just an FYI. you can actually double your power output with that setup if you ever plan on expanding and also if your current wiring and curcuit breaker will allow it. Simply put...
  7. L

    Harvest a Pound Every Three Weeks!

    Can i please get some feed back here from those who know please.
  8. L

    Harvest a Pound Every Three Weeks!

    I have a question. I am about out of room in my grow room. I have tied down the tops but the girls have stretched upward again so here is my question. Can i cut the tops of my larger plants to keep them under control without causing much damage? There is no way i can tie them down anymore. I...
  9. L

    cough experiment

    I dont cough but instead i take 5 or so deep slow breaths between hits when i smoke alone. I would say doing this doesn't get me "higher" but i do experience a more pleasant high. Not sure why but i do experience this difference. I guess i would say if i had to describe it would be like I'm high...
  10. L

    Harvest a Pound Every Three Weeks!

    You can try a Vaporizer. I often have sever nausea and both smoking and vaping take care of the situation. Plus in my opinion the smell is very faint and you can even bake using the lightly browned meds (I tried to use some that was vap'd with to high a temp which made the brownies taste awful...
  11. L

    Harvest a Pound Every Three Weeks!

    I'm am actually setting up my room to use co2 in a closed vent when i need to setup. Where this is set up is super insulated and maintains a constant temp of 67 to 69f but if i dont use the vented light it will skyrocket to +92f with 0% humidity in no time and the fans in the room do nothing...
  12. L

    Harvest a Pound Every Three Weeks!

    You are correct on how and why the water is condensating on my duct work. What i am doing now is trying to find the sweet spot on the fan i have to cool the light where its only pulling enough air to cool the light to keep it at about 78f in my room. I may also swap out my aluminum duct for the...
  13. L

    Harvest a Pound Every Three Weeks!

    Andy i think i may have some info you are looking for.I had an unvented 1000w hps in an area that is 4wx7hx7d. This brought my temps up to over 93 degrees f and my humidity to 0. I then bought a vented hood like what you described and what i did was just vented from outside thru the hood and...
  14. L

    Harvest a Pound Every Three Weeks!

    I had the same problem and here is what i did I left them in the veg unit a little longer then i had wanted to see if they would show pre flowers. Well after they got really bushy al the roots had grown together and were getting to big(past the 12") i cut the tangled roots and removed the...
  15. L

    Electric bill $275!!!

    My guess is that your box is not balanced for power. When this happens your meter will spin faster since you are getting a higher load rating on one leg of your power supply. Basically if you balanced your draw to as close as equal as you can that should slow down the spin of the meter clock...
  16. L

    Harvest a Pound Every Three Weeks!

    Here is a quick paint shop mock up
  17. L

    Harvest a Pound Every Three Weeks!

    lol just posted above you, and that is just what i posted about, lol
  18. L

    Harvest a Pound Every Three Weeks!

    1 gallon = 3.75 litters
  19. L

    Harvest a Pound Every Three Weeks!

    Actually that is exactly how i did mine and it worked out perfectly however you will need to make a modification that cost about $12 or so in order to make things easier for you later on when changing you rez for cleaning. Where the 1/2 pvc goes into the fence post you need to add Union...
  20. L

    Electrical questions

    Ok if i got this correct you want to use the power from your stove outlet to power your room? If yes then yes you could use that box if you already have it (it is made for a generator and is very expensive) if you dont already have it you can make one for less money but you would have to do some...