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  1. 419JustAboutThatTime

    Reekness Factor? its that stanky stuff ya'll!

    about 4 plants in the flowering room + a mother plant and possibly some clones in the veg room. What exactly can i do to get that smell out? its a ventilated room, but do i need a squirrel cage? I have a standard fan, and some smaller 6 inch fans for each individual room.
  2. 419JustAboutThatTime

    Reekness Factor? its that stanky stuff ya'll!

    Just about done setting up my room. ive got my seeds labeled and im almost ready to crack em open. I just wanted to know how bad its going to smell, and am i going to need to invest in a carbon filter or something like that? let me know. Thanks.
  3. 419JustAboutThatTime

    do i need a squirrel cage?

    i have a 2W X 4L x 8' tall veg and a flower room set up. do i really need a squirrel cage in a ventilated room? or can i just use a fan or small 6in. fans?
  4. 419JustAboutThatTime

    2x4x6 room. 400w HPS (blue) How many plants?

    im not doing an SoG until i can get some clones.
  5. 419JustAboutThatTime

    2x4x6 room. 400w HPS (blue) How many plants?

    yeah i was thinking about this closet i have which is split in half and it was only about 6ft tall. However, i have a whole room available so i have about 8ft of height to work with. I am setting up a veg room for the mothers and clones. My flowering room should be the same size. 2'W x4'L x8'...
  6. 419JustAboutThatTime

    2x4x6 room. 400w HPS (blue) How many plants?

    hey guys, im setting up veg. and flowering rooms. how many plants you think i can squeeze into a 2x4x6 room? thats with minimal trimming and low stress techniques. Im thinking 4-5. let me know. thanks.