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  1. H

    transplant to outside

    This might sound like a silly/simple/crude way of disguising plants, but hear me out. A few years back I had some big Sativa's in the front yard. Although there was a highish wall we lived RIGHT on a busy main road, under the flight path of many police and medic choppers. So, some guerilla...
  2. H

    construction of a tree fort

    Seen a 15 footer with monkeys hanging off the branches. That was a big tree, trunk like your leg. But a tree fort? That can support people? A wooden fort-kinda thing like kids build and play in? Dunno about that. But good luck.
  3. H

    transplant to outside

    You don't wanna leave them in pots 12 miles away - you want them in the ground. Pots dehydrate, and then you'll be...12 miles away when they keel over and die. If they're in the ground the hydration/dehydration curve isn't nearly as steep. As Toker says, dig a nice size pit, fill with good soil...
  4. H

    Microwave My Soil???

    Green Nobody has it right - some of those bugs are useful, especially the littlest microbugs who gobble up nutes and spew them out in an available form, which plants thrive on. A good bake would work better I reckon - just put it in a baking tray, stick it in the oven, turn up the heat and do...
  5. H

    Global Warming Swindle

    Silk, Silk, Silk....which way to turn, eh? So if I'm focused on Kyoto and I actually think it's worth taking the time to consider the opinion of a vast tranch of experts as valid, I'm in the pockets of those who refuse to stop the wanton depletion of the planet's resources, and by default, am in...
  6. H

    Root Hormone Feed?

    Hmmm, don't think I've ever heard of Super Thrive round my neck of the hoods but I'll make enquiries - anything for a booster, right? While we're on about roots - what do folks think of the 'roots must NEVER get light on them' theory? I grow in recycled 2-litre bottles (yes, I know that's small...
  7. H

    Global Warming Swindle

    Inconclusive = not 100%...OK, I'll run with that. Furry muff. I don't believe we should be twissing about percentages, we should be saving our hot air for politicians and industrialists. We have to change our ways, and the sooner that Kyoto Protocol gets taken seriously the better. The...
  8. H

    Root Hormone Feed?

    Yes, saw another post about it, oh dear, newbie repeating posts, shocking... But I think you mean Willow trees...although having a buncha Widow trees about can't be a bad thing either...:mrgreen: But I have heard of this as well, some hippie mates of mine told me to use Willow tea for a...
  9. H

    Root Hormone Feed?

    screwed up, can't find the delete function..
  10. H

    Root Hormone Feed?

    Searched about this, no joy, so - If more roots make more plant, does it follow that you could dissolve root hormone in your water and feed that to the plant in order to increase its root mass, resulting in bigger better budder?
  11. H


    Or has it been touching something hot? I've had a couple brown points 'cos they'd brushed up against a hot water tank overnight, but that's fairly understandable considering the thing gets up to 40C. So I dunno, would have to agree with russ0r & babygro - more info is needed.
  12. H

    We're busted! What would you do?

    Eesh, tough one, sorry to hear about your troubles, hearmenow. Got an attic? I'd think that your route of chucking it and making that visible to the critters would be a good double-blind. In the meantime you could (whilst they're not about) start setting up again in an attic space, but that...
  13. H

    Welcome New Members!

    My name is hedmekanik and I'm a bongaholic. it's nice to know I'm not alone out here and it's good to see so many regular folk have also fallen by the wayward wayside, makes me feel a whole bunch better about being really successful at not being successful. Rock on completely.
  14. H

    Global Warming Swindle

    Swindle? What swindle? I'm actually surprised that people here who (theoretically at least) should be more in touch with the issues that we collectively face are so sceptical. I don't give a toss about Gore and I don't give a shit about the supposed blooming of a 'green documentary industry'...
  15. H

    What lighting times do you use???

    I'm in 13/11 right now, busy trying the 'step-down' method. Next week I set them up with the 12/12.