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  1. Itz_J_Arroyo

    Transplant Rockwool to Soil (seedling)

    ***Update*** Hey guys so 11 days have passed now, my plants seem to have been growing but now it seems that they have slowed down a bit , and the leaves are slowly turning into a yellowish green. Ive been doing research and it sounds to me that this may perhaps be a nitrogen deffeiency probelm...
  2. Itz_J_Arroyo

    Transplant Rockwool to Soil (seedling)

    Thanks everyone , all the advice and suggestions have been greatly appreciated. So I went ahead and carefully transplanted.Things are looking good as of now .I will go ahead and keep you all updated in the coming days. Since I'm not sure if the seeds are auto or not. I went ahead and...
  3. Itz_J_Arroyo

    Transplant Rockwool to Soil (seedling)

    Should I plant directly into soil with seedlings in Rockwool
  4. Itz_J_Arroyo

    Transplant Rockwool to Soil (seedling)

    Hello all so I currently germinated my seeds using Rockwool, unfortunately I dont know what strain it is because I stumbled upon these seeds in a quarter of weed I purchased. My questions are as followed . 1. When do I transfer these seedlings into soil. They have just sprouted 2 days ago. I...
  5. Itz_J_Arroyo

    First Time Auto Recommendations

    Thanks Hansbud? Are these guys based off of the UK? And do you know if they do stealth shipping?
  6. Itz_J_Arroyo

    First Time Auto Recommendations

    Hey guys so this woyld be my first grow using auto. Im looking for a reliable seedbank with great autos, that ship to Florida with no pobelms. 1: what are some recommendations on auto strains that are easy to grow for beginners? 2: ill be using fox farm for soil, other than soil what else will...
  7. Itz_J_Arroyo

    Florida Shipping Please Help!!

    Thanks for all the help, Ill start looking to see what strains are best to start off with.Like I said earlier the first time i stumbled across some seeds was in a batch that I managed to pick up. I've had absolutely no success with the plants . It was my first time I believe the only thing i got...
  8. Itz_J_Arroyo

    Florida Shipping Please Help!!

    Awesome, thanks. Another quick question what are some good recommendation on strains for beginners Any recommendations on strains for first time beginners. Strains that require low maintenance and suitable for indoor and outdoor
  9. Itz_J_Arroyo

    Florida Shipping Please Help!!

    Wassup guys im fairly new to forums, and growing as well. I had a few questions that hopefully some one here is able to help me. A few months ago I picked up a nice batch of cannabis and found some seeds in them. So curiosity kicked in, after watching some videos on YouTube, I managed to...