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  1. cool14001

    Best Food When High

    1. An end of French Bread made into a bowl (hollowed out some/pushed in) and filled with Steen's Syrup 2. Bacon (but I can get carried away with how much I ingest) especially with two eggs fried in the bacon grease. 3. Nutter Butter and Milk
  2. cool14001

    Great Joke To Tell While Blazing

    And this one confuses alot of smokers. Many times my friends are still sitting there waiting for the punch line: A guy walked into a bar and said, "Owww"
  3. cool14001

    Great Joke To Tell While Blazing

    Boudreaux passed the regionals and made it to a poetry contest. His competitor was a Harvard professor. They were to compose a poem with "timbuktu". Boudreaux thought "Meh, wat da hell is dat?" He replied with, "On through the bayou me and Tim went until we came upon a nylon tent In...
  4. cool14001

    Tolerance Level Of Shrooms Please Help!

    If it's within a week I'd Double the dose (unless you just did a crazy amount which I don't have experience in). You'll feel it but won't be as intense. I wish I had some more shrooms right now. I ate the last of mine at Jane's Addiction this weekend.
  5. cool14001

    Ever Had a Jehovah's(sp?) Witness Come To Your House While High>

    They came by a few weeks ago. They just kept knocking, I thought they would never go away. So I answered it, threw some scripture back at them, and said I wasn't interested. I just feel bad that they get the door slammed on them 9 times out of 10, but I got fed up when they started talking...
  6. cool14001

    What To Listen To When Getting High?}

    Just from looking at your list I can tell we could be friends. Can never go wrong with galactic. My dad brought me to Zappa plays Zappa and Al Di Meola. Both great shows. Anyone interested, Zappa has a great DVD with some live stuff but more importantly some amazing claymation. It's...
  7. cool14001

    My Mom would have gotten the death penalty!

    Yeah, we had to get our own too. Bad memories just came back to my ass. The first time I still remember being like, "What the hell could this little stick do to me? This won't hurt." Boy was I wrong
  8. cool14001

    Massachusetts Legalization Debate: HB 2929

    there was nothing in the obvious places: Norml, mpp, or massachusetts house website. It was probably wrong for me to assume that if it was going to be anywhere it would be there, but I guess I didn't check hard enough.
  9. cool14001

    What To Listen To When Getting High?}

    Everything is better high. Sometimes I just play random shit that I would never listen to down. A few regulars that come to mind: Galactic Big Sam's Funky Nation The Clash - "Bankrobber" Flaming lips reserved for psychedelics White Zombie and Tool make me feel like a god Primus Jazz - Jelly...
  10. cool14001

    Bluegrass Music

    I get this close to bluegrass in my CD player: Yonder Mountain String Band Old Crow Medicine Show Bela Fleck Live Bluegrass is always a fun time.
  11. cool14001

    Marijuana Tax Stamps?

    It's just a way so they can slap another charge on you: Tax Evasion. We have them here in Louisiana but I've never seen one in real life, just on NORML's page.
  12. cool14001

    War Breaks Out Within The Marijuana Legalization Movement

    I completely agree, it is just hard when you are talking with someone directly affected by a lack of insurance. If businessmen couldn't make profits from insurance then they would be directing their ambitions elsewhere. Taking with them all the advances into their field where they can make a...
  13. cool14001

    Massachusetts Legalization Debate: HB 2929

    Thank you for the feedback doob. I have been eagerly waiting all day for a response both here and on shroomery. Sad to hear that its potential for passing is significantly low, but every meeting about legalizing, bring me hope that other non medical states will come to their senses. I'm in...
  14. cool14001

    Anyone wish we had another Clinton?

    Those countries would not be able to work without America's private research into medicine. We do have something to learn from them as far as quality, France has the best (arguably) heart program in the world. Socializing isn't the answer. Honest question (not trying to get anyone steamed)...
  15. cool14001

    Anyone wish we had another Clinton?

    We would need to be building those hospitals right now. We would need more doctors to cover the extra physicians we will need, because his plan will create a high demand that will not be able to be filled in time for his implementation (college+MedSchool+Residency). Incentives would be a must...
  16. cool14001

    My Mom would have gotten the death penalty!

    You should see how some of the southern black women treat their kids in the grocery store. (Is it the same everywhere else?) Slapping, yelling, you name it. They act like they are at home. If they do that in public I feel sorry for what those children must endure at home. And vomiting...
  17. cool14001

    War Breaks Out Within The Marijuana Legalization Movement

    Why not tax and regulate with the exception of the sick. It is sad the businesses have to think about how they will make money from people who need something that should be so cheap. However, because cannabis is a mind altering drug, I would understand government wanting to know how much is...
  18. cool14001

    Yay I'm a volunteer for LEAP!

    I would like to congratulate and thank you. Good Luck in your future endeavors.
  19. cool14001

    Massachusetts Legalization Debate: HB 2929

    couldn't have said it better. Norml made me aware of it, but did not cover it. Hopefully tomorrow they will have an update, but something this monumental should have had more instant coverage.
  20. cool14001

    Anyone wish we had another Clinton?

    It isn't about profit. When every single citizen has access to any hospital, many will undoubtedly become overcrowded. My insurance paid a good portion of the surgery I had a year ago. Without it I would not have had access to the quality of care that I was able to receive. Go ahead and...