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  1. T

    First CFL Grow

    here is my sour d clone in her 7th week of flower that wifey bought me for my anniversary, and as my first indoor cfl grow, i have been using earthworm organic worm casting soil with added egg shells, organic grow for food along with urine coconut water, wood ashes, molassas now, 11x23 watt cfl...
  2. T

    First grow few weeks left

    sp i read up on how the hippies grew some fire budz back in the day and it specifies that 40 to 60 ML of coconut water (pure) to every gallon is like a steroid for the roots, so i am trying it today for the first time and it has to be done every week i mixed it with wood ashes as well, said it...
  3. T

    First grow few weeks left

    so had to tie up some branches today they are starting to get heavy goin on 5 weeks in flower, and they are exposed to more light as the molassass today gonna start feeding it to her on the next feed which is in 2 grow, 1/4 teaspoon of malassass, wood ashes, and urine...
  4. T

    First indoor closet cfl grow

    lmfao hell yea bro she smells like pure lemons im gonna hit her with more wood ashes next feeding and organic plant food..trying to make my buds pop a lil more faster...with straight organic home stuff..and shes sucking up all the co2 with the viniger and baking soda i got going in there..the...
  5. T

    First indoor closet cfl grow

    here is latest pics of my Sour D clone 4 and a half weeks into flower...hope shes on schedule....cant wait mad anxious...
  6. T

    First grow few weeks left

    checked the trichomes tonight with the phone magnifier to see them but need a better one...jjst a couple of close ups...used coffee grounds and urine was on fhe menu for her waiting for them to puss up...then harvest time..fuckin pumped wanted to take the lower branches off...
  7. T

    First grow few weeks left

    looking real nice i got about 5 weeks left if notb4...
  8. T

    Cfl grow

    welp i did it once so far gonna wait 2 weeks see what happens cause he said every 2 weeks to pinch not tear the tip of the bud off...
  9. T

    Cfl grow

    4th week into flower all Cfls 23watters gotta be doin somethin right, just pinched the tips of the buds to make them double pop...old timer who works at lowes moved to florida yesterday and told me thats what will do it...not rip the tip jist pinch it...and in 2 weeks to just start giving it...
  10. T

    First grow few weeks left

    4th week of flower sour d clone all organic 23w cfls all around with reflectors everytime i added worm casting soil i added egg shells i used urine wood ashes and organic grow from home depot how she look so far? she was a gift from my wife for my just trying to keep her pumpin...
  11. T

    Pinching top of buds (Backbuilding) technique

    ahhhh i did it already once..
  12. T

    Pinching top of buds (Backbuilding) technique

    i just pinched the tops of my buds lastnight in the 3rd week of flower not cut the top off just a trama pinch one ripped by accident but cant change nothing gotta see what she does its a sour d clone....
  13. T

    Pinching Your Buds...

    so i was talking to an old pal of mine at lowes and he told me to use this teqnic of pinching so i started it last night on my sour d clone thats in her 3rd week of flower and i have to do it again on her 5th week so every 2 weeks pinch trying it on my first grow....all organic soil and...
  14. T

    First indoor closet cfl grow

    sweet i just pinched my buds last night at their tips i read the 3rd week is the best time to do it so i did it last night...hoping all goes well...
  15. T

    Cfl grow

    thanks bro deff will add a couple more t.y.
  16. T

    Cfl grow

    so here is the third week of flower for my sour d clone been using wood ashes organic grow and egg shells within my soil you fellas think im doin it good decent or deff could be better using 26 watters cfls all the way threw....any suggestions??
  17. T

    i add my own egg shells and organic food with urine and just gave her wood ashes..

    i add my own egg shells and organic food with urine and just gave her wood ashes..
  18. T

    worm casting soil

    worm casting soil
  19. T

    First indoor closet cfl grow

    so i have enough cfls in there i take it??
  20. T

    First indoor closet cfl grow

    my wife bought the sour d clone like a month before it started budding and im using worm casting soil organic grow just fed her wood ashes water and food...but so far i had it since may 28th and thats what she lloks like i got her about 3 feet tall and now shes got budlets if im not mistakin....