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  1. TimelyJohn12345

    drooping plants, first time grower, no idea

    Is it possible for the already yellow leaves to restore their color?
  2. TimelyJohn12345

    drooping plants, first time grower, no idea

    Update, Turns out the issue was underwatering. After a 3 day vacation I came back to extremely droopy plants and a couple leaves had died. I gave each plant a liter of water and 5ml of veg nutrients and they are now back to their perky selves. Project info had good advice about the pot...
  3. TimelyJohn12345

    drooping plants, first time grower, no idea

    Thanks guys. I will look into Hydrometer and will give them some more time to work it out on their own. In general, how worried should I be here? do they still look relatively healthy?
  4. TimelyJohn12345

    drooping plants, first time grower, no idea

    Thanks for the reply, OK raised lights and redirected the fan to blow around the plants. Fair point about the training but i feel like what's done is done on that front. With respect to over/under watering do you have any wisdom to share on that? Maybe pots are too big for the plants?
  5. TimelyJohn12345

    drooping plants, first time grower, no idea

    Hey all First time grower and my plants are experiencing some drooping issues. The medium is soil, CFL grow lights ~300W 18-6 schedule, our grow box is home made and I keep it outside. Im in Santiago Chile and it's summer so it gets pretty hot on the inside of my tent, about 34 C at the...