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  1. Teebonesteak


    naw i say fuck that! if you got the dough, maybe. But i plan on investing on a couple of affordable ones from legalbuds[dot]com, but just a quick memo...DO NOT buy the bud!! it's nothing like weed and probably never will be.
  2. Teebonesteak

    What do you do that might be considered "strange"

    i twirl my hair excessively, to the point of hair loss.
  3. Teebonesteak

    Positive vibes thread.... Hookup w no hate

    beg your pardon? O.O
  4. Teebonesteak

    Positive vibes thread.... Hookup w no hate

    HAHA! yeah i believe it did help the pain then, obviously it's a natural pain reliever. Yeah i don't lift a finger to do shit, except to cook my hungry ass something to eat! :smile:
  5. Teebonesteak

    Is Gay Marriage Really That Big Deal?

    My theory is this, i feel the divorce rate might actually go down a few notches, if the government lets these religious ties with laws alone, and just legalize gay marriage in all 50 states being that, a portion of the current div. rate was a result of gays/lesbians marrying the opposite sex...
  6. Teebonesteak

    Positive vibes thread.... Hookup w no hate

    LMAO unless you broke skin, i wouldnt expect it to hurt very long, bowl or not
  7. Teebonesteak

    Bush gets shoes thrown at him

    LMFAO! that's my shit!
  8. Teebonesteak

    Bush gets shoes thrown at him

    In that large death toll, i hope you didn't count the deaths as a result of suicide bombers who did away with themselves along with other innocent people. Because it's seriously impossible to tally exactly/roughly how many people were wrongfully killed by u.s. soldiers.
  9. Teebonesteak

    Bush gets shoes thrown at him

    still can't believe he missed him! he's very fortunate it wasn't a more serious attack, like i would expect from him going over there.
  10. Teebonesteak

    John Walshs' son's killer finally confirmed.

  11. Teebonesteak

    John Walshs' son's killer finally confirmed.

    Original story: I am soooo glad after all this time the mystery's solved, i'm a long time fan of AMW, and always wondered how they could have never found the killer for so long...
  12. Teebonesteak

    Here's my dilemma...

  13. Teebonesteak

    If you watch one video on extensive police force then watch this one

    If the crooked pig would've just verbally asked her to move over to the sidewalk like he was before instead of shoving people that shit wouldn't have gotten started. Seriously, all they had to do was split the group up so that there wouldn't be over 50 people protesting in one area.
  14. Teebonesteak

    Here's my dilemma...

    I finally found the other threads posted on this same subject that i should have been reading before i posted this thread, grrrr, but i do thank you for responding, yeah i was gonna buy that stuff when i got paid this friday but i won't let myself now, i just figured since this site basically...
  15. Teebonesteak

    Here's my dilemma...

    First of all, my name is Tab(itha) by the way. I've been given an ultimatum to keep the weed out of my residence "or else" cause it's oh so illegal and whatnot lulz! Which is why i started pursuing other methods of bud consumption and stumbled upon legalbuds[dot]com, and upon further research...