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  1. R

    Browning from middle of leaf? Please help!

    Recently transplanted, what the hell is up with my plant?
  2. R

    My Current Setup (12 Plants, five germing)

    First Pic: The Grow Tent Second Pic: The four big ones are female THC Bombs, the two little ones in the red pots are PPP. Third Pic: All of them except the ones in the red pots are White Rhino, the red ones are PPP. Later I'm planning on rewiring one of my lights (so I don't have to stack the...
  3. R

    Sex this Plant!

    THC Bomb at 1 month 1 week, fed ff veg nutes, 12/12 since seed, first sign of sex, am I wrong - female?
  4. R

    Please, Judge My Seedlings (12/12 from Seed, Day 20)

    Heres one of my cabinets, just wanted to know what you guys thought of these seedlings (as in, are they growing too slow, any obvious nute deficiencies, anyone see an emergency?) BTW, the strain is thc bomb
  5. R

    A Cornermagig

    So like.. I want to make a piece of cloth.. thats entirely corners.. Cause I'm always cleaning out my pipe on the corners of rags and towels and robes n shit, and it just seems like if they made like a big circle with a bunch of protruding corners I'd use the fuck out of that..
  6. R

    Nirvana - White Rhino, Pure Power Plant

    Ordered and received in seven days. Came with a Christmas card :)
  7. R

    Hello from Flagstaff

    Anyone else on here local to flagstaff? I've been dry for two days and I need help, everyone went to the valley for a month for christmas..